Example sentences of "[vb past] she towards the " in BNC.

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1 He gestured her towards the velvet armchair opposite him .
2 He put a hand upon her shoulder , which was firm and slender , and turned her towards the gate .
3 He smiled , to show her he was joking , and turned her towards the sun .
4 Then she heard all of them , crashing through brush and low branches as they followed her towards the road .
5 With a heavy heart , Robert followed her towards the smooth , mysterious features of the house , whose windows , on this side , he could now see , were blacked out from the inside .
6 And when Jessie saw this man that she loved slide down the wall , then drop onto his side , she screamed ; but her screaming was soon checked by her father who , staggering towards her , put his hand over her mouth then twisted one of her arms behind her and thrust her towards the staircase door .
7 Grabbing her bound hands , he shoved her towards the gravestone .
8 Daniel got down , put an arm round her thick middle , hoisted her silently to her feet and pulled her towards the bedroom .
9 ‘ Yes ! ’ she insisted , and to her utter alarm and astonishment he caught her arm and pulled her towards the nearby barn .
10 And then , so gently that she was hardly aware of what was happening — as if she was merely swaying with the tide — he gradually pulled her towards the shore , slowly drawing her up against the bare , damp skin of his broad chest .
11 Ducking past Feargal , she took Terry 's arm , and urged her towards the stairs .
12 Pulling the door open further , Rune waved her towards the outer room and the telephone .
13 Yanto curled his arm around Sheila 's waist and guided her towards the river bank .
14 With sick fear in his stomach , Cardiff took her arm and guided her towards the side door .
15 Instead of going straight to the front desk as usual , Charlie guided her towards the restaurant .
16 Sharpe said grimly , then he put an arm round Lucille 's shoulders and steered her towards the ballroom where , because the orchestra had been engaged till dawn , the music still played and a few last couples still danced .
17 He grabbed her , propelled her towards the basin and began to brush her teeth .
18 Yussuf caught hold of her and propelled her towards the gate .
19 Then he took Victoria 's hand and led her towards the strange woman .
20 He made no response , but just took her hand and led her towards the stable-block .
21 As Harry led her towards the dance floor , she said , ‘ For one moment I thought you were going to knock poor Jerry sideways . ’
22 As he led her towards the wood-and-thatch building by the roadside , Isabel contemplated another night in fitzAlan 's company .
23 He turned now and led her towards the door , but there he stopped and in a quiet voice said , ‘ Now , do what I tell you .
24 Aware of her unease , Michele smiled a little , a twisted smile that held no mirth , and , taking her elbow , led her towards the house .
25 Miss Liberty marched her towards the cross .
26 Scooping her up in his arms , he carried her towards the front door , easily unlatched it , flicked a switch , kicked the door shut behind him , and carried her into the bedroom .
27 He motioned her towards the sofa and abruptly began to talk about politics .
28 She motioned her towards the chair , surreptitiously studying the young woman 's pale features , noting the deepening of the shadows beneath her eyes .
29 Not answering , I dragged her towards the cave .
30 ‘ Where are we going ? ’ she asked , gasping as he dragged her towards the barn .
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