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1 Decimalisation meant that a major revision of the payroll system was needed and the limited time scales involved resulted in the acquisition and implementation of a payroll package called " COMPAY " .
2 Thus began a desperate search for a toxic dump site for County Cork , with each move the County Council made resulting in the mushrooming of local opposition .
3 In the 1920s and 1930s attempts to codify rules of air warfare based on this general principle failed to result in the drawing-up of a detailed Convention .
4 In Liverpool the tensions generated resulted in the deployment of extra imported police who , at a demonstration on 13 August , charged the crowd on what became known as " Bloody Sunday " an incident which is remembered to this day .
5 One line of his broadcast — ‘ Now it is very cold and we can not stay in our house ’ — hints at a crisis that nearly closed Dovercourt and did result in the evacuation of Pakefield , the overspill camp near Lowestoft .
6 In November 1992 the two French ecologist parties " the radical Les verts and the more pragmatic Génération écologie " had reached an entente but this appeared to result in the image of both parties being less clearly identified .
7 In the case of Sgt Soles , the Department said that Mrs Marsden 's inquiry had resulted in the discovery that his widow , who had remarried by was now very ill , was entitled to have her widow 's pension reinstated under new legislation and this had now been done .
8 Furthermore , the Second World War had resulted in the most terrifying weapon of destruction being not only developed but also deployed against the enemy .
9 Unfortunately for Scheer , however , an earlier provocative raid by Hipper 's ships had resulted in the Seydlitz being struck by a mine .
10 Henry III 's schemes — in Germany , Italy and Sicily — ultimately collapsed , to his cost , but they represented a Plantagenet response to the events of 1204–59 which had resulted in the dynasty 's displacement from their central and prestigious place in European politics .
11 Their Lancastrian sympathies had resulted in the forfeiture of their land early in the 1460s , when much of it was granted to Gloucester , but the de Veres had subsequently reached an accommodation with the new regime and had regained their land before Gloucester came of age .
12 The Bruces , whose currying of favour with Edward had resulted in the restoration of their estates , stirred up minor troubles but seemed glad to yield for the time being to their benefactors and express disapproval of Wallace 's wild conduct .
13 In addition , Haynes in the UK had been controlling costs through a redundancy programme which had resulted in the loss of seven jobs ( out of 200 ) and exceptional charges of £203,000 .
14 If she looked at her father with tolerance on that first night it was because his flattering of Giovanna had resulted in the table being elaborately laid on the terrace , fresh candles put in the brass candlesticks , and flowers in a big green and white pottery jug set in the centre of the table .
15 It had resulted in the allocation of funds based not on the best interests of justice but on value for money .
16 The gradual acceptance of the germ theory of infection , following the research of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch into viruses and vaccines in the 1870s and 1880s , had resulted in the rapid isolation of the bacilli of all the major infectious diseases .
17 The forests of banners and guidons which adorned every street corner hung limp and sodden , and where an otherwise laudable economy had resulted in the use of cheap cloth the colours had run so that the insignia upon the panels was streaked and indecipherable .
18 The first is that Khrushchev 's general policy of extending Soviet links with developing countries had resulted in the signing of similar agreements with various African and Asian governments .
19 Offa 's difficulties with the archbishop of Canterbury had resulted in the creation of a Mercian archbishopric at Lichfield .
20 Many of these advertisements were undoubtedly genuine , but during the late nineteenth century attention was drawn to several court cases involving ‘ baby-farming ’ for profit , which had resulted in the death of the infants concerned .
21 Reference to a mediator had resulted in the position where not only was the Bank 's line confirmed , but we were asked to sit down and negotiate , in effect , more competitive scales .
22 The company denied Greenpeace 's claim that the chemicals were carcinogenic ( cancer-causing ) and also that their misuse had resulted in the contamination of food supplies in importing countries .
23 By mid-September 1989 it had resulted in the death of some 35,000 birds , 10,000 sea otters , 147 bald eagles and an estimated 16 whales in and around Prince William Sound , the location of the disaster .
24 On Nov. 21 , 1989 , the Legal Defence and Education Board of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People ( NAACP ) reported that the Supreme Court 's decision in Patterson v. McLean Credit Union in 1986 [ see p. 36088 ] had resulted in the dismissal of 96 claims of racial discrimination .
25 The last active reactor had been shut down in August 1988 , following a still unexplained power surge which , according to a report published in March 1989 , had resulted in the destruction of two heat exchangers ; two other reactors had been shut down previously and the remaining two reactors at the huge , 37-year-old complex had been permanently shut down earlier for safety reasons .
26 President Ronald Reagan 's appointment of three conservative justices had created a five-four conservative majority which had resulted in the erosion of a number of liberal precedents , most notably the constitutional right of women to obtain abortions which had been established in the 1973 landmark decision Roe v. Wade [ for which see also below ] .
27 In June 1989 the Bank of Israel ( central bank ) reported that the intifada had resulted in the loss of US$650,000,000 in potential export earnings in the previous year .
28 Saddam 's talks with former West German Chancellor Willy Brandt on Nov. 7-8 had resulted in the announcement that 170 people would be released , including over 100 Germans .
29 Nevertheless , more traditional weapons of bombardment were also used — including " carpet bombing " by B-52s — and Iraqi sources claimed that the air attacks had resulted in the widespread destruction of non-military targets and considerable loss of life among the civilian population .
30 The elections to a new 205-member House of Representatives resulted in a victory for the Nepali Congress , which formed a new government in late May , and marked the final stage of a 15-month democratization process which had resulted in the destruction of the old panchayat system , under which political parties had been banned and most political power had rested in the hands of the monarch , King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Deva [ see p. 37856 for chronology of events leading to the adoption of a new constitution in November 1990 ] .
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