Example sentences of "[vb past] increase [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The number of letters received showed a sharp increase to just over 6,000 in 1992 , 30% more than in 1991 , while the number of telephone calls received increased by 2,500 to nearly 42,000 .
2 The amount of benefit paid increased from 18 million pounds in 1983 to about 1,000 million pounds in 1989 .
3 The samples go back over 30 000 years , and they show that after being constant for most of that time the methane concentration began to increase in 1580 ( Geophysical Research Letters , vol 9. p 1221 ) At the end of the 16th century , the methane concentration began increasing at a rate of 0.114 ppmv per century ( parts per million by volume ) and around 1915 the rate accelerated to the present figure of 2.5 ppmv per century — if the data can be taken at face value .
4 And holders are also using them more frequently — the number of transactions and the amount spent increased by 90 per cent in 1991 .
5 Finally whilst it is true that prices and costs did increase between 1978 and 1987 , none of this was directly attributable to expenditures on the Mahaweli Project , which was financed by outright grants and concessionary loans from friendly governments : basic social services and food subsidies were never curtailed .
6 However , the foreign exchange earnings on tourism did increase in 1989 , not from IR£150m but rather by this figure .
7 To reach the 2.5 per cent of GDP target by 1985 industry , R&D had to increase by 8 per cent a year .
8 Not surprisingly , given the increase in unemployment and the various crises in nationalized industries , public spending had increased between 1979 and 1983 .
9 In May 1985 , Leon Brittan , then Home Secretary , was booed despite his figures saying that prison officer ranks had increased since 1979 by one-fifth , and that the budget for the Prison Service had risen 85 per cent .
10 By 1985 — 6 , the numbers claiming rent rebates had increased to 4 million , the numbers claiming rent allowances to 1.2 million , and the number of householders claiming rate rebates to 7.3 million .
11 Immunization levels for the six vaccine-preventable childhood diseases had reached a global average of 80 per cent , while the access to oral rehydration therapy — the best treatment for diarrhoeal diseases — had increased to 70 per cent .
12 In 1963 the hundred largest UK enterprises controlled on average only 40 plants each within the UK : by 1972 this had increased to 72 , and it is clear that this period of domestic expansion and takeovers was also the main period of international expansion by TNCs .
13 By 1881 the population of Britain — not including Ireland — had increased to 29.7 million , whereas that of Ireland had decreased to 5.2 million , compared to 6.6 million in 1851 .
14 The twenty heads of British missions abroad in 1816 , when the effects of the country 's long political isolation during the Napoleonic wars were still being felt , had increased to thirty-seven by 1860 ( mainly because of the emergence of new independent states in Latin America ) ; but the changes of the 1860s swept away many of the smaller legations in Germany and Italy , and the establishment of diplomatic representatives in China , Japan and one or two other non-European countries in the second half of the century did not compensate for these losses .
15 Unemployment levels had improved , falling to 9.7 per cent from 10.6 the previous year , while inflation had increased to 3.1 per cent in 1989 ( 1.2 per cent in 1988 ) but it was still considered to be under control .
16 A population of 5,000 in 1851 had increased to 43,000 by the end of the century , and lines from Chester , Manchester , Liverpool and Birmingham converged on this important junction .
17 Abdominal girth measured 97 cm and the radiographic diameter of the distal transverse colon had increased to 11.5 cm .
18 Abdominal girth had not changed but a repeat plain abdominal film showed the radiographic diameter of the distal transverse colon had increased to 11.5 cm .
19 By the late Taishó period the figure had increased to one million .
20 Unemployment statistics for January revealed that the numbers out of work in the former East Germany had increased to 1,340,000 , a rate of 17 per cent ( compared to 11.8 per cent in December ) , partly because of the end of several short-time working arrangements .
21 Thus , in 1964 only 22 per cent of Americans held to the view that government could be trusted only , ‘ some of the time ’ whereas this had increased to 37 per cent by 1968 , 45 per cent by 1972 , 61 per cent by 1974 and 73 per cent by 1980 .
22 From a figure of six per cent in 1973 , the proportion of lawyer chairmen had increased to 36.4 per cent by October 1982 .
23 By 1911 , this had increased to four-fifths .
24 We achieved good wins in and around Montreal and when we moved to Ottawa our lead had increased to 150 shots .
25 In 1931 , there were twelve Student Groups in villages and by 1935 the number had increased to twenty-one .
26 By the end of the war numbers had increased to 458 , which included 60 in the recently re-housed Junior School , the success of which was indicated by the 136 candidates for the 28 vacancies at the previous Entrance Examination .
27 In the next 9-year period to 1977 , the number had increased to 23 .
28 The relative lack of council housing has made this system more important : in 1948 34 per cent of farmworkers lived in tied housing , but by 1976 this figure had increased to 53 per cent .
29 At the Party 's Fourteenth Congress , held at Battersea on 29 May 1937 , Pollitt reported that membership had increased to 12,500 , nearly twice that at the previous Congress in 1935 .
30 A year later damage had increased to 50 per cent and by 1985 it stood at 51 per cent .
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