Example sentences of "[vb past] appear on [art] " in BNC.

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1 For some reason Gadfly failed to appear on the invitation list .
2 ‘ If you 'd appeared on a day when I was n't jet-lagged and exasperated by travel delays , I might have reacted less belligerently to your unannounced arrival .
3 Charlie ignored me , as he was ignoring most of his friends since he 'd appeared on the front page of the Bromley and Kentish Times with his band , Must n't Grumble , after an open-air gig in a local sports ground .
4 Sit , they said , but he would n't This week John Major began to appear on a different kind of box .
5 I wanted to put it to my mouth and eat it but as I watched , small dark spots began to appear on the surface .
6 In May it was announced that the fleet name ‘ London TransporT ’ would be used and it began to appear on the waist panels of cars as repainted .
7 E/3 all-metal cars began to appear on the Thornton Heath route 42 .
8 In mid-afternoon the first glints of steel in the spring sunshine began to appear on the high ground of Scremerston Brae , and soon the long hill down to sea-level was covered in a vast tide of men and horses , armour gleaming , banners waving , under a faint haze of steam rising from thousands of beasts long ridden , muting the colours of plumed helmets , heraldic surcoats , painted shields and horse-trappings .
9 And now gaily plumed water birds began to appear on the rapidly swelling river .
10 Sarekat Islam was damaged by its association with the PKI : hence , as Sukarno began to appear on the political stage , there was something of a vacuum .
11 As the sun rose higher in the pale sky the temperature climbed steeply and patches of perspiration began to appear on the backs of the men 's shirts .
12 He pressed in the number , then Bryce 's name , his face bathed in a green glow as first figures then images began to appear on the screen .
13 A smear had appeared on a painting .
14 Some were very short descriptive items , perhaps just mentioning that a person ( or persons ) had appeared on a remand hearing in court .
15 In a related development , Unionist leaders called for Brooke 's resignation after he had appeared on a television chat show in Dublin , Ireland , and given an impromptu rendering of a folksong , shortly after the Teebane bombing .
16 Yesterday , legal sources indicated that because the Marquess had appeared on a judgment summons under the Debtors Act , which carries a maximum sentence of six weeks , the judge was not in any case entitled to impose the term that he did .
17 Whereas Siward , as a direct vassal of England , had appeared on every battlefield with his Northumbrian levies and knew their strength , as they knew each other 's .
18 The hen pheasant had appeared on the other side of the feeding-ground .
19 Finally , after Mr Luciano Pavarotti and the entire leadership of the rest of the world had appeared on the wall for Mr Major , a modest , smiling , bespectacled figure was suddenly seen on the stairs .
20 The first visions to distort this mirage had appeared on the southern border of Lebanon or from the sea off Beirut in 1946 when the Covenant was barely three years old .
21 During the fighting in Beirut large numbers of armed militiamen had appeared on the streets .
22 Late ‘ 76 saw Linda in this country with an excellent show and playing with the same guitarists that had appeared on the album .
23 Westmacott and Sgt. Deacon were scrambled before dawn as an unidentified ‘ plot ’ had appeared on the radar , approaching St. Paul 's Bay fast and low .
24 Two spirals of dust had appeared on the distant horizon .
25 His son James , 14 , had appeared on the Oprah Winfrey and Terry Wogan TV shows , described as a junior Lovejoy because of his ability to find valuable antiques in jumble sales .
26 by 1355 , however , some stability had returned after the Black Death and two new protagonists had appeared on the scene , each in his different way determined to enhance his prestige through war .
27 Again on Bruno Zanardi 's restoration of Antelami 's ‘ Months ’ , Fiorella Minervino wrote that the marble had lost its characteristic surface veining ; in her opinion , this was probably due to the use of a chemical solvent to extract the metallic salts which had appeared on the surface , or it may have been caused by some kind of abrasive treatment .
28 Indeed , the Teds had appeared on the streets before postwar meat-rationing had been abandoned in Britain — which might suggest that they belonged to the world of postwar austerity , rather than ‘ affluence ’ .
29 Bert had appeared on the stairs , looking tired and demoralised .
30 A couch had appeared on the balcony — had it always been there ? — and they were lying on it together , though he could not remember moving to it .
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