Example sentences of "[vb past] meet [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 Duncan took some persuading — £250 and the scrap option on the VW to be exact — but agreed to meet me at Blackberry Hill with his wrecker truck ( there is n't a vehicle known to man he ca n't get hold of ) in two hours .
2 She 'd met him at one of Klein 's parties — a casual encounter — and had given him very little conscious thought subsequently .
3 She 'd enjoyed a brief dalliance with Lorimer a few years earlier , after she 'd met him at one of the receptions Wakelate had attended , incognito , on business .
4 He 'd met her at work , which was about the only place where he did meet people these days .
5 I 'd met her at the odd party where we 'd chatted and that 's about it . ’
6 Boulton happened to meet him at Exeter however , and as it did not coincide with the ideas of the firm to lose the services of their best engineer in this fashion , Murdock was persuaded to return .
7 Kate had decided to skip the afternoon 's classes and arranged to meet him at the boatyard near the Tech .
8 She 's a friend of Bertice Reading , who is working at the Prince of Wales Theatre , so I arranged to meet her at the stage door at 2 o'clock .
9 Richard Wiles went to meet them at home .
10 I got a sun-'n'-sex postcard from Heraklion , worked out which day they 'd be returning , telephoned all possible airlines and went to meet them at Gatwick .
11 Breeze and Gay went to meet her at Clyst St George station , and hardly recognized the ultra-smart figure which languidly emerged from the train , as the boon companion of not so long ago .
12 Baldwin then went to meet her at Victoria Station and walked the half mile to their Eaton Square house with her , describing , as she subsequently wrote to her husband 's mother , what had happened , in slightly breathless terms :
13 On the morning of the day when Therese Aschmann was due to arrive in Hochhauser , Willi spent a long time getting ready before he went to meet her at the station .
14 Chauffeurs had met them at their Inn on the Park hotel , at seven o'clock sharp ; and at five minutes to eight they had taken their seats around the long elliptical table at European headquarters to ensure the meeting began on time , at precisely eight o'clock .
15 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
16 He had met them at the Piazza Venezia two hours before .
17 Luke had met her at Euston .
18 I had met her at the England-USA match in Birmingham and she had offered to help me with my career .
19 Betty had met me at Bellanoch , whisking me off to a venison dinner at her friend 's at Ford .
20 She had met him at one of those dinner parties which had now become the nexus of her social life , replacing conferences and meetings , although few of the individuals had changed .
21 When I asked Lee what 's going on , he told me this guy had met him at the airport and that he had a letter and had said he 'd caddied for Henry Cotton .
22 Sally-Anne had met him at a party ; he had long been settled in England , and he had been impressed and amused by her fiery conversation and her obvious intelligence .
23 Now imagine that instead of sitting behind his desk your boss had met you at the door and ushered you to a seat , then pulled up a chair next to you .
24 Dan Sandford had met us at the railway station in Addis Ababa and had brought with him Omar , our prospective headman , to clear our baggage through customs and deal with the other formalities .
25 He told Maurin he 'd pretended she wanted to meet you at the museum .
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