Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I had often marvelled at it , but it made the present disaster all the more unbearable .
2 Stravinsky had started composing Les Noces before 1913 and often played it toDiaghilev , gradually simplifying his ideas until it became the present cantata for voices , four pianos and percussion .
3 With the larger numbers to be attained , attempts will be made to correlate our findings with various clinical features and environmental factors , to analyse the meaning of the association we described the present study .
4 Around 1876 Constance demolished the majority of the old foundry buildings , and built the present Camp Mill .
5 It was Robinson , an alderman of the city of York , who built the present Hall , as a home and , more importantly , as a place to entertain his fellow aldermen in style .
6 If families like this one were on the wrong side in the Civil War , their property was sequestered by Parliament , but it appears that John Long petitioned to have it restored as his inheritance in 1650 , and it was probably he who built the present house .
7 It was Moore 's son , also William , who probably built the present house , to match his desired image of the new country squire that he was .
8 It was surrendered to the Crown in 1539 , and sold by Henry VIII to Lawrence Washington , who built the present house .
9 Eventually , he mentioned the present writer and suggested that I should be brought in on the matter as I had already knowledge of one or two other cases .
10 In 1871 , Josef Schulz restored it and created the present fantasy .
11 When the banks finally broke , the sea captured both arms of the river Rother , and created the present estuary south of Rye .
12 Like everyone else I talked to , he condemned the present education structure that encourages children to take A-level — a course that is simply not appropriate for many of those currently preparing for the exam .
13 He reconstructed the present land masses into a single super-continent called Pangaea and suggested that this had initially split into two continents , Gondwanaland ( Gondwana ) to the south and Laurasia to the north , before further rupture and drift resulted in the familiar shape and location of the continents today .
14 Close by , at SPY HILL , pentices were remembered by the late Mr Armer , who was a neighbour , and he told the present owner of his recollections .
15 On the situation in South Africa , the Council deplored the present phase of serious violence but welcomed " further indications … that the process of change already begun is going ahead " , and decided to lift its ban on new investments in South Africa [ see also p. 37910 ] .
16 Somewhat later came the present owner , John Matta , who now takes great pleasure in greeting Citalia guests and welcomes them on arrival with a gift of the wonderful Chianti Classico from his excellent cellars and offers them a typical Tuscan dinner at a reasonable price , which is taken most weeks in the castle 's impressive banqueting hall .
17 It seemed the present experiment was being abandoned as ineffective .
18 I have received with great satisfaction the loyal and dutiful expression of your thanks for the Speech with which I opened the present Session of Parliament .
19 Again , in discussing punctuated equilibria ( much or the initial impact of which depended on the assertion that Darwin had got things wrong ) it is not until after several pages that we are told ‘ It is at this stage entertaining to realise ’ that Darwin ‘ anticipated the present debate ’ .
20 Netherlandish Drawings is the culmination of years of research conducted by Felice Stampfle , Charles W. Engelhard Curator Emeritus of Drawings and Prints at the Morgan Library , who headed the department from 1945 to 1984 , and began the present volume after her retirement .
21 The Society 's 33rd Annual General Meeting followed the present policy of ‘ going out and about ’ and was held at Hounslow Manor School , Middlesex on Saturday 27th April .
22 Such measures constituted the present Government 's heritage , when it took office in 1979 .
23 It was therefore natural that it should have been Braque who solved the present problem , largely a technical one , of finding a new , easier means of representing the new concepts of pictorial form and space in all their fullness and complexity .
24 Even if he survived the present crisis with its unusually heavy demands on resources , there were still a few weeks to go before he received his allocation for the next year .
25 He also warned the present pay structure was failing to provide the correct size and quality of workforce .
26 But it was not economic distress that precipitated the present crisis .
27 North Yorkshire chief executive Ron Leyland said they were glad to be among the first considered but felt the present system worked well .
28 Christopher Wood 's last New York exhibition on this theme was held at the Shepherd in 1985 and he felt the present time to be right for another one , particularly given the slackness of the London market at present .
29 RP spoke to his paper which summarised the present situation .
30 More part-time farmers saw this as a benefit rather than the full-time family farmer , who saw the present production levels as being near their maximum .
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