Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the door " in BNC.

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1 She 'ave ter goo , ’ she stormed as soon as he got through the door .
2 Gorelli lunged for the door , but it was locked .
3 I took no notice and passed through the door at the far end of the room .
4 I took her arm as we passed through the door .
5 He shrugged and made for the door .
6 She made for the door , but decided instead to sit down on a chair .
7 Everyone hastened to stand aside as he made for the door .
8 Mr Piggott found himself quite dazzled by the warmth of her smile as she made for the door , and was unable to speak .
9 She ducked under his arm and made for the door but he caught her arm .
10 He reached the level of the bridge , swung his back to the wall , covering the ladder they had just used as Forster made for the door .
11 As he made for the door he heard the phone ringing in the hall and when he entered he saw Joe turn from the telephone table towards him , saying , ‘ It 's for you , Martin .
12 As he made for the door she said , ‘ You wo n't forget to take that bottle in for her , will you ?
13 He stood up at the same time as she did , and caught her as she made for the door .
14 Clutching her stick as if it were an offensive weapon , she made for the door .
15 As one they made for the door , but had two dozen different recollections of its exact position .
16 He made for the door , sweeping out of the office with Rebecca in tow , stopping only to add as an afterthought , ‘ Ignore Rourke 's bad temper .
17 She made for the door , but as perforce she had to pass him he put out a hand and caught her by the wrist .
18 As it was , I nodded and made for the door ; she looked the sort of woman who won protracted lawsuits .
19 Keeping her head lowered , Carolyn made for the door , and hurried out to the dustbin .
20 Penry smiled faintly as he made for the door .
21 So , hoisting her bag over her shoulder with an element of pride that for a brief moment made her lose sight of how important it was to try and pin him down for an interview , she made for the door .
22 In addition to installing basic systems for accounting , cost-control and distribution , Mr Shirley helped to create a layer of reliable executives who could translate the technical visions of the company 's chairman and founder , Mr Bill Gates , into products that got out the door , on time and to budget .
23 And she said I got out the door as quick as I could .
24 And ten to twelve we got out the door , oh I was just glad to get out , you know walking a bit of peace and quiet just , I could of strangled him , little git
25 Climbing the 60 , narrow , twisting steps from the nave to the ringing chamber left me worn out — but when I staggered through the door the chamber was packed .
26 ‘ Oh , piss off , ’ shouted someone at the other end of the hut , as a boot bounced off the door just as the Sergeant made his exit .
27 The auburn-haired equestrienne delivered herself of a pithy speech , gave the young man , now scarlet beneath his whiskers , no chance to reply , put out a hand and thrust him physically aside with such force that he staggered back and bounced off the door of Woolworth 's behind him , and strode on .
28 On brisk steps she headed through the door to the conservatory .
29 ‘ My fault , ’ said Nick as a big , yellow dog bounced through the door .
30 When Herve charged through the door the Italian was lying on his bed reading a porn comic .
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