Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] call for " in BNC.

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1 A lengthy list of injury absentees at the weekend underlined his call for further new faces at the club ; youngsters Gary Paterson , Andy Dow , Neil McCann and Paul Ritchie receiving first team calls after Morten Wieghorst , Graham Rix , Jamie McGowan and Gary McKeown were forced to call off .
2 He played in 20 Test matches and his post-war service to Yorkshire included three years as Club president , a position he vacated sadly when he found his calls for moderation went unheeded at the height of the Boycott controversy .
3 The South Korean negotiators described this proposal as " unrealistic and unworkable " and reiterated their call for simultaneous entry to the UN by both Korean states .
4 They reiterated their call for a popular referendum on the country 's future political system .
5 After its first emergency meeting on Aug. 3 the GCC Ministerial Council met again in Jeddah on Aug. 7 and reiterated its call for an unconditional Iraqi withdrawal .
6 FoE reiterated its call for an immediate ban on the use of two herbicides most often found in water , atrazine and simazine .
7 President-elect Chamorro added her call for a ceasefire , stating in a broadcast on Feb. 28 that the causes of the war had disappeared , that there was thus no more reason to fight , and that Nicaraguans should return home .
8 Sir Patrick reiterated his call for everyone to give the RUC their full co-operation and for anyone with details of the latest murder to come forward .
9 And then came your call for us to buy from W H Smith .
10 To coincide with the study 's publication , the council renewed its call for the Data Protection Act to be amended to enable individuals to see any file on them kept by the league .
11 The ‘ Russian Unity ’ faction , which includes around 300 of the 1,000 deputies , renewed its call for the ‘ government of market experimenters ’ to resign .
12 In a statement on July 22 , the organization renewed its call for an interim government , first made in the Harare Declaration of August 1989 [ see p. 36837 ] .
13 The Moroccan Organization of Human Rights on Aug. 3 denounced the government 's policy of " political detention " and " inhuman prison conditions " , while on Aug. 7 Amnesty International renewed its call for the " immediate release of all army personnel held in secret beyond the expiry of their sentence , for over 17 years " , a reference to some 60 people said to be still detained under conditions of " rigorous imprisonment " at an isolated fortress in Tazmamart .
14 THE AUTHOR , Salman Rushdie , yesterday condemned the death edict against him as a ‘ terrorist threat ’ after Iran renewed its call for the sentence to be carried out four years after it was imposed .
15 As the ANC renewed its calls for a transitional government , President F. W. de Klerk was forced to make Cabinet changes in an attempt to restore credibility to his government .
16 They also approved his call for an extension of the boundary and he commented , ‘ This is democracy . ’
17 In response to the new revelations and to the government 's reaction to the scandal , the ANC president Nelson Mandela renewed his call for the State President 's resignation and demanded that control of the security forces be surrendered to an interim government of national unity .
18 The Visegrad countries stressed their wish to join the EC at the earliest opportunity and repeated their call for economic help from the EC , in particular through access to EC markets .
19 Opposition parties repeated their call for the election of a national constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution .
20 At a dinner hosted by King Juan Carlos , King Hassan avoided mention of Morocco 's claim to the Spanish-administered North African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla , but King Juan Carlos repeated his call for a referendum to be held in Western Sahara ( Spain 's former colony ) to allow the people to decide their own future .
21 During his speech he made no mention of Kuwait , although he repeated his call for a ceasefire , to be followed by US-Iraqi talks and inter-Arab dialogue .
22 Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union could be equally disillusioning , of course , and when the Governor of the Bank of England , Robin Leigh Pemberton , spoke to the Overseas Bankers ' Club in February 1990 on lending to East Europe , he put his call for caution in the context of the losses sustained in the South .
23 The first televised discussion of homosexuality came in the 1954 BBC programme ‘ In The News ’ , when Lord Boothby discussed his call for a Royal Commission on the subject .
24 And just as you have in the past answered our call for money , so you are now ready to answer our call for people .
25 We had practical help too from hotels , stores and businesses in our City Centre Parish , as well as from Scotsman Publications , and we now acknowledge our gratitude to those companies who answered our call for help .
26 Sir Peter justified his call for openness in terms which would have been unthinkable from his immediate predecessor , Sir Kenneth Newman , and indeed from any predecessor : ‘ Professions , including police , tend by definition to be monopolists of knowledge and through that knowledge , power .
27 Delegates backed her call for a ban on all phone sex lines which are advertised in newspapers and magazines .
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