Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] eye " in BNC.

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1 From the vibration of air , they lived through the eyes ,
2 Water rose through the eyes and mouths .
3 Creggan could not see that at the sound of his words and particularly at the name of Callanish , there came into the eyes of old Minch , who was now held in the cage by the Men , a look as from some vast distance in the past .
4 The artist who painted in the eyes gave power to the image but was in turn filled with dangerous emanations which had to be washed off before he could return to ordinary life .
5 SUSAN COULD have sworn the bullethole in Cook 's forehead turned into an eye and winked at her .
6 Real last-gasp stuff : it happened in the eye of a storm of tears that the whole house must have heard with horror .
7 Corbett gazed into the eyes and sensed something evil ; whatever Thomas said , there was a malevolence here .
8 Then we walked to the eye doctor 's .
9 And then when I was about seven I went for an eye test where you get one of those cards with all the dots on , and , you 're supposed to see fifty-seven but I could only see twenty-seven .
10 He walked to the telescope and looked through the eye piece .
11 it had sort of round shade with a bulb and the bu but it looked like an eye you know because the bulb came out and you moved these three things around , you can still buy them now , but er , then they were a bit way out .
12 It looked like an eye Jo it really did .
13 The only alleviating point in the walk was the number of pretty women and girls ; so as I delight in looking at such , I very rudely looked into the eyes of those that passed .
14 Not for the first time Delaney looked into the eyes that were deep , infathomable pools of green , and at the copper-coloured hair falling around the high smooth cheek bones ; at the small upturned nose and a mouth just large enough to hint at the animal sensuality lying dormant beneath the surface .
15 She looked into the eyes of this human peacock and found herself at a complete loss for words ; and he too seemed surprised by this girl who had agreed to be his bride : he looked up at her ( she was half a head taller than he ) in a way that she might have interpreted as hostile had she not been in too much of a turmoil herself to notice it .
16 She turned , and Clare looked into the eyes of a fanatic .
17 A little thrill of anticipation ran along her skin as she turned and looked into the eyes of the man who 'd watched her with such intensity during the fashion show .
18 The old lady , her white hat with its red rose trembling , looked into the eyes of the old soldier , Felipe Freitas .
19 When I spoke great tears fell from the eyes of the grey hound , more and more , heavier and heavier .
20 He simply wished that he did n't have to contend with the unspoken supposition that the two of them were hiding up there on the Step and banging away like a couple of baboons , which he saw in the eyes of more than one person who wished him good morning when he went into town to pick up his mail .
21 Much remains to be learned of their activities , but what is certain is that they had converts in high places — notably Edward Wood ( of whom more anon ) , Leo Amery , and Lord Hailey of African Survey fame and immense Colonial Office influence — and that through their publication of a journal widely respected for its seriousness they kept before the eyes of the political establishment the idea of a new kind of empire .
22 True , the reformers promised an ‘ adaptable ’ worker , but adaptability lay in the eyes of the beholder and , anyway , in the short term it was more relevant to the supply of , than the demand for , labour and , therefore , of little immediate interest to employers .
23 After Japanese images of Mount Fuji , the Bullet Train , Geisha Girls and Summo Wrestlers ( take your pick ! ) drifted before the eyes .
24 A hole appeared between the eyes of all three targets .
25 He dozed with an eye and an ear open .
26 He looked at it for a second then got to his feet and stamped on the eye , hearing it pop beneath his foot .
27 But compared with the world of De Carlo 's first novel , where the information garnered by the eye leads to no critical interrogation of reality , Palomar 's , and Calvino 's , project seems almost hopeful .
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