Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] stand at " in BNC.

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1 He 'd spent most of the evening wrestling with the one fragment that he 'd managed to retain , picked out of the air behind him as he 'd been standing at the cooker watching his soup boil .
2 Immediately , the cameramen who had been standing at the sides of the rows of chairs moved , and the flash of lights and the clicks of their equipment bewildered him slightly .
3 She guessed that he had been standing at the window or listening for the sound of her key in the lock .
4 For the past hour we had been standing at the top of a Norfolk heath in swirling snow .
5 As she had come round the corner of the house from putting her bicycle in the old stable block , Inspector Blakelock had been standing at the front door almost as if he were waiting for her .
6 Perhaps he had been standing at that spot , gazing out over the river towards the mountains or maybe with bowed head , grieving for his lover .
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