Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] failed [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She asked , ‘ What was that ? ’ as if she 'd just failed to catch some remark that Luke had made .
2 She must have changed over nearly forty years ; he 'd simply failed to notice .
3 Once again the tenuous thought that she 'd previously failed to grasp hovered like a wraith on the verge of her consciousness .
4 Until the end of the last year , 23rd Precinct , the label , had conspicuously failed to emulate the success of the specialist Glasgow dance music store from whence the label was launched .
5 But his mother had nothing to do except care for him , and this she had blatantly failed to do .
6 On this occasion Moorgate Mercantile had carelessly failed to register their hire purchase agreement with the result that Twitchings was told by H.P.I. that there was no hire purchase agreement registered in connection with this particular car .
7 This deal was subsequently accepted in the other regions , which had hitherto failed to reach settlements .
8 Elected in 1946 , the had hitherto failed to make much impression ; financially backed by a soft drinks company , whose interests he advocated , he was dismissed as the " Pepsi Cola kid " .
9 Indeed , I well remember my one , involuntary , appearance on the front page of one of Fleet Street 's best-selling tabloids , alongside eight other guilty-looking British journalists , the morning after we had all failed to warn our readers that Cassius Clay was a whole lot better than Sonny Liston .
10 The test had obviously failed to give a true assessment of the intelligence of the horses .
11 Well I think what Mr is really saying is that the Conservative round Dorset , in er , the first sort of , I do n't know , six decades of this cen this century were rather more sensible than the Conservatives who ran Wiltshire at the same time , because they made sure they acquired some assets they could flog for development , and put themselves in this happy position , which the ones in Wiltshire had obviously failed to do .
12 He disputed suggestions that his own redistributive mock Budget at the outset of the election campaign may have contributed to the party 's defeat and expressed concern that those who would have gained from it had apparently failed to heed the message .
13 Yet over half of the disabled people being cared for in Glendinning 's ( 1992a ) study had apparently failed to claim the attendance allowance when they first became eligible , thereby potentially affecting their carers ' benefit entitlement as well :
14 The Doctor , the guy with the blue box , could normally be relied on to deal with problems of this magnitude , but on this occasion he had apparently failed to understand that Pool was made of human brains and was in any case crazy .
15 No one was moved to burn the place down and the teachers were not encouraged to beat the children : though I had my knuckles painfully rapped on various occasions when I had apparently failed to decode some mysterious message or other .
16 On the other hand , the fact that some patients had already failed to respond to tricyclics before entering the trial might have introduced a bias against this class of drugs .
17 Perhaps he would wait until a baby was on the way , for Mrs Darne had not failed to notice that these days extramarital pregnancy , once a horrible disgrace , was often the loudly publicized occasion for a wedding , with the bride , far from ashamed of herself , carrying all proudly before her .
18 The bank had told the MPs in written evidence that it had not failed to carry out these duties .
19 In other words , the Church recognised Constantine as successfully achieving what Jesus had signally failed to do .
20 Unlike his predecessor , Avitus was a powerful bishop who managed to harness the local forces which Cautinus had signally failed to dominate .
21 By the time of the next possible resolution of the problem at the end of 1921 , coalition had signally failed to provide Unionists with what they had hoped for , and Lloyd George had become an electoral albatross rather than an asset .
22 Assuming that the home-made EB3 had signally failed to cut any jazz-rock mustard , which direction , instrument-wise , had Neil taken after that ?
23 Returning to my seat after the second interval , I had decided that this was a first night which had somehow not ‘ taken off ’ and that all kinds of good intentions had somehow failed to coalesce , though they probably would later in the run .
24 North had written it , apparently sometime in April , and had somehow failed to shred it .
25 But this also held the depressing implication that nothing much had changed since 1981 , and that the antiracist movement had largely failed to shift either popular attitudes or state policies .
26 It finds that the surveyed authorities spent a ‘ great deal of time and effort ’ developing the so-called care programme approach , although they had largely failed to implement monitoring systems .
27 Gummer admitted that previous governments had largely failed to address the environmental agenda , and called for a " great debate " to help inform the government 's strategy on achieving sustainability .
28 Rhee had totally failed to understand the inflationary threat and Rhee , encouraged by Lady , bypassed the constitutional arrangements with respect to the financing of the government .
29 The Chancellor had totally failed to come up with an industrial strategy to move Britain out of recession , Mr Brown said .
30 But he had always failed to impress the grown-ups in Never Never Land : the ones who handed out the end-of-term prizes , and the folk who decided which movies were important and meaningful , as opposed to escapist fun for all the family .
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