Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] to look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What actually happened was that a colleague of mine , Dave Walton and I , got together to look at a rather esoteric aspect of molecular motion , thinking of making molecules which were very , very long and had very simple structure but could have perhaps erm very complicated what we call dynamic motion , but there was some very good chemistry involved and we erm put this project together for the Sussex Chemistry Bithesis programme , and erm the student who took on this particular project , Alexander , spent two years learning how to do the synthesis and developed a lot of ability in this area ; he also learned how to do the spectroscopic experiments and studied the analysis of molecular motion , and he was able to do this on top of the course work that he did , and in fact this particular project and Alexander , who did the work himself , and the subsequent exciting sort of repercussions of the project have all made me a rather firm believer in the course here , and that in fact undergraduates can do research and also that it 's a very good training for the future .
2 She squared herself , and moved along to look into the nearest of the rooms .
3 With a parting gift of prawns and fish from a friendly fisherman , we headed over to look at the islands of bum and Eigg on the way to Ardnamurchan .
4 I stopped momentarily to look at the old ‘ cenotaph ’ or what remained of it .
5 Then I wandered outside to look at the wreaths and the Salvation Army Captain touched me on the shoulder .
6 He broke off , blushed and tried not to look at Jilly Jonathan .
7 Philip tried not to look at him .
8 Dot tried not to look at Gloria 's face .
9 I was terrified , I tried not to look at him , I tried pulling my skirt down over my knees .
10 I tried not to look at anything in between .
11 He tried not to look at the screens .
12 She tried not to look at the easy , mutual affection of Finn , Francie and the dumb woman .
13 Melanie had not been down to the work-room since her very first morning ; she tried not to look at the partially assembled puppets , hanged and dismembered , on the walls .
14 She tried not to look at the glass on the pink marble top of the wash-stand , empty , a sticky red stain at the bottom .
15 I turned back to Lloyd and tried not to look at Beeby 's legs .
16 Ronni tried not to look at him and squeezed the water from her hair .
17 She tried not to look at him as he talked .
18 Charles tried not to look like the outcast he was feeling and quickened his pace to simulate important last minute business at the Officers ' Mess .
19 Busacher snorted , drank , and wandered over to look at the long table which had been set up right down the centre of Willi 's big living room .
20 Pete nodded and moved off to look for some more of Bob Ivie 's jungle juice , and Diane eased her way through into the ballroom .
21 On the way back home he stopped off to look at a house he was thinking of buying .
22 She drew back to look at me , startled .
23 Jenna drew back to look at him with stormy disbelief and he grinned down at her , gathering her close again .
24 Jake drew back to look at her .
25 When he was in the dining room she would be in the dairy ; when he wandered out to look at the home fields she would be over the lake by Burtness Wood ; when he made his way to the wood she would retreat up the fell and it was pointless , he rightly guessed , as well as being too open to comment , to pursue her onto the tops .
26 People stared at the car , and we tried hard to look like the owners , not just the delivery team .
27 ‘ How old is the child ? ’ he asked , and Maureen 's head jerked round to look at him in amazement .
28 His head jerked round to look at her , and he missed a gear change .
29 He stuck out his tongue and squinted down to look at it .
30 He pestered anyone who came along to look at his back and examine it for spots .
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