Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] to face " in BNC.

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1 Jess was a mellow sort of chap until he came face to face with a light bulb
2 The Paul Jones and the emotional somersaults when the music stopped and they came face to face for the very first time .
3 With that decision people came face to face with the expectation known to the early Christians soon after the Crucifixion and to the deeply religious who shivered at the approach of the year A.D. 1000 — the expectation that they might indeed see the end of the world in their lifetime .
4 On the day Wright , awash with goals since his £2.5 million move across London , came face to face with his former Crystal Palace colleagues it was left to Merson to emphasise that Arsenal are playing like champions a little too late to worry Manchester United and Leeds .
5 It is reported that , while out riding in Wychwood Forest , he suddenly came face to face with the shade of Amy Robsart .
6 A Polynesian folktale tells of Rata , who travelled across the ocean and ingeniously outwitted a hungry whale by jamming open its jaws with a broken oar ; venturing in through the mouth he came face to face with his parents who had been gulped down before him .
7 It was at this point that I came face to face with the realisation that human beings could be studied like other animals , and I went on , past chimpanzees , to investigate the behaviour of this strange creature that I christened The Naked Ape .
8 And would you believe it ? we came face to face with the McNabs .
9 As she came face to face with the revolving doors her escorts stood aside to allow her to precede .
10 Last winter I came face to face with one on the landing — I do n't know which of us was the more scared .
11 On the afternoon of Saturday 27 July 1689 the two armies came face to face at the pass of Killiecrankie , about midway between Pitlochry and Blair Castle , where the road ran through a narrow valley beside a deep gorge .
12 As he drew closer and they came face to face , she drew herself up and eyed him coldly .
13 The authority or aristocracy and armed excise officers came face to face with the fact that a substantial part of the rural and urban population alike either connived at , or were intimidated by , the activities of well-organised armed gangs .
14 Moments earlier 18-year-old Fisher came face to face with victim Mary Jo Buttafuoco for the first time since the doorstep shooting .
15 As so many times before , Vologsky carne to the end of the mental games he played with himself , dismissed the last hopeful excuse for his rejection and came face to face with the lonely bitterness of reality .
16 To her horror she came face to face with the two officers standing there with guns drawn .
17 In April of 1920 , Charlie Chaplin , then sweltering through the divorce proceedings brought against him by Mildred Harris , was eating in a fashionable hotel restaurant when he came face to face with Louis B Mayer .
18 He was not at all what Brownlow expected when they came face to face .
19 ROCK star Cher came face to face with ex-husband Sonny for the first time in five years … and loathed it .
20 As Spaniards came face to face with their country 's impotence , backwardness and inescapably second-class status , there arose a confused chorus of demands for the ‘ regeneration ’ of what was widely seen as a ‘ decadent ’ nation .
21 By some terrific fluke Richard came face to face with his future at the precise time he most needed to see it .
22 Staggering , he put his weight against the door to close it , and for the first time he and the driver came face to face .
23 He let the veteran British know exactly how he felt when they recently came face to face at a film festival .
24 When the French and the Vietminh came face to face in the south there was , apparently , no room for compromise and conflict was almost immediate .
25 Turning a corner along a narrow track , I came face to face with a blustering capercaillie , as big as a turkey .
26 For H. G. Wells , the change to Bonar Law marked a distasteful new attitude by the Unionists ; when Balfour 's " essential liberalism came face to face with this new baseness of commercialized imperialism , with all its push and energy , he made a very poor fight for it .
27 GUIL : And even if we came face to face , what do we say ?
28 The predominant mood of rural England was replaced by the sharper view of vagrant cosmopolitans like Eliot and Ezra Pound , and of course the European expressionists who came face to face with social realism .
29 One Saturday morning Bob came face to face with him as he emerged from the communal bathroom on the first half-landing .
30 With lots of luck I came face to face with a round face man in uniform .
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