Example sentences of "[coord] allow [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 If however , the UK firm responds by reducing X-inefficiency , this could shift the marginal cost to MC2 and allow the UK firm to increase its share of the market from q1 to q2 .
2 The UK , he says , gave full support to the system because it will cut out fraud and allow the EC to get tough with countries who are not operating the common agricultural policy fully or properly .
3 In such a case , we should pay our proportion and allow the NCD as the policyholder has not intimated a claim under the Home policy .
4 To others , however , Gorbachev 's policies marked a skil-ful attempt to gain the initiative in the international field , to end Reagan 's massive rearmament effort , and allow the USSR to reform and strengthen itself for continued competition with the West .
5 The letter is about the vexed question of ‘ unmet need ’ and whether to record it and employ extra solicitors or whether to ignore it and allow the DoH to remain in blissful ignorance .
6 Such a ‘ Black-Red ’ combination would give strong government , provide a basis for tackling Germany 's economic problems and allow the SPD some much-needed experience of power .
7 Iceland would retain control over its fisheries but allow an EC catch of 3,000 tonnes redfish equivalent , in exchange for some access to EC waters and customs-free market access for 97 per cent of its fisheries products by 1997 .
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