Example sentences of "[coord] presented to the " in BNC.

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1 Arriving at a design for a new product , he insists , entails seeking marketing advice , weighing up how the product is going to be made and manufactured , understanding the cost elements and how it is going to be sold and presented to the customer .
2 For television is not a ‘ neutral ’ provider of images or a mere facilitator , it has increasingly determined the manner in which high performance sport is played and presented to the public .
3 7 God is our refuge by Wolfgang , written out with the help of his father and presented to the British Museum in June 1765 .
4 In 1914 the Manor was purchased by a body of British subscribers and presented to the peoples of Britain and the United States of America in celebration of 100 years peace and friendship between the two nations .
5 They range from the impressive Eric Jones-Evans and Alan Tagg collections to a small but exquisite ( and previously unknown ) portrait of Ellen Terry , painted when this legendary actress was at the start of her career in Bristol and presented to the Collection by the artist 's granddaughter .
6 The shift toward formal politics was qualitatively novel , and presented to the working class a potentially valuable opportunity of engaging in new forms of hegemonic struggle to remodel society .
7 The surviving airframe was ‘ found ’ lying in skeletal form in a quarry at Kalafrana and presented to the people of Malta by AVM Keith Park on September , 1943 .
8 Purchased for £550 by the National Art Collections Fund , 1959 , and presented to the Ashmolean .
9 In such a case , the State will pay the owner the value he has established himself and presented to the Federal National Heritage Service or Custom Officers .
10 Llewellyn-Jones ( 1981a ) also looked at lag behind the speaker and though his concern was for individual comparison , a general conclusion is that the usual 2 — 3 seconds lag of the BSL interpreter behind the speaker is not sufficient for the message to be both understood and presented to the audience in a form which can be understood .
11 It has been purchased for £120,000 by Dr Raymond and Mrs Beverley Sackler and presented to the Museum in honour of Sir David Wilson , Director from 1977–91 .
12 In 1923 the site was cleared and presented to the town for the erection of a War Memorial and Art Gallery , which stands there today .
13 Such a proposal would need to be carefully thought out , and presented to the electorate well before an election campaign .
14 When the final report was produced it was circulated internally amongst staff and presented to the school 's governors and the section of the ILEA inspectorate most concerned with the school .
15 Shipowners had accepted an invitation to the Annual Dinner and one had purchased and presented to the union , without charge , a fine convalescent home for sailors at Limpsfield .
16 The conceit of the ‘ found document ’ , discovered , preserved , and presented to the public by an ‘ editor ’ was a justification no longer necessary in the nineteenth century when the novel was firmly established as a genre .
17 Bentham 's ‘ Observations ’ were written in February 1823 and presented to the Greek legislature amidst general acclaim , but the work was never published in Greece or Great Britain and the only known copy is the manuscript in the Bentham Collection in University College London .
18 The main body of the 1992 budget , approved by the Council of Ministers on Sept. 18 [ see p. 38445 ] , and presented to the National Assembly on Oct. 15 , was adopted on Oct. 20 by invoking Article 49.3 of the Constitution ( " engagement of the government 's responsibility " ) , whereby legislation could be adopted on first reading unless the opposition tabled a vote of censure .
19 The unexpected US offer was reported to have been approved by President George Bush at a National Security Council meeting and presented to the UN Secretary-General , Boutros Boutros-Ghali , by the acting US Secretary of State , Lawrence Eagleburger , late on Nov. 25 .
20 Based on these components , a draft report on the department was prepared by the Senior Management Team and presented to the Head of Department .
21 The revised procedure was set out in a discussion document and presented to the Heads of Department .
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