Example sentences of "[coord] call [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Following blast at its offices at Charlemont Place in Armagh , spokesman Paul Jackson said students should not telephone the board or call for the next two weeks until the backlog of work has been cleared .
2 ( 6 ) Where an award has been given in the absence of a party , the arbitrator shall have power on that party 's application to set the award aside and to order a fresh hearing as if the award were a judgment and the application were made pursuant to Ord 37 , r 2. ( 7 ) With the consent of the parties and at any time before giving his decision and either before or after the hearing , the arbitrator may consult any expert or call for an expert report on any matter in dispute or invite an expert to attend the hearing as assessor .
3 For your 1990 Speedbird brochure phone ( 24 hrs ) or call at an ABTA travel agent .
4 Phone Petersfield ( 0730 ) 63749 , or call at the Town Hall office in Heath Road if you can help in any way .
5 Your wife should contact your tax office , or call at the nearest local office , and ask them to arrange to open a set of records for her .
6 Or call on the services of a nationwide network of professionals , dedicated to identifying the craft — or prospective purchaser — of your choice ?
7 Never shout or call across the room .
8 Doors with wood or aluminium frames are widely available from builders ' merchants and timber yards , and you can either do the work yourself or call in a local builder to do it for you .
9 Wood , steel and aluminium frames are widely available from builder 's merchants and timber yards in a range of traditional standard patterns and sizes , and you can either do the work yourself or call in a local builder to do it for you .
10 Either send in a large team , which would eventually draw attention to itself ; use a sleeper , which would only cause its own problems ; or call in a loner .
11 Finally , you should remember that it really is not necessary to totally re-vamp the kitchen or call in a decorator in order to give it a face lift .
12 Anywhere in between and you 'll need to take a long hard look or call in the professionals .
13 To stake your claim to a sip from the Sunshine State , send your details on a postcard to BBC Good Food /Beaulieu Wine Offer ( address above ) or call by the end of April on ( 0839 ) 168103 .
14 ‘ You must go out of this house , ’ said the little grey man , ‘ and call to the West Wind , and show her your key , when she comes , and let her carry you where she will , without struggle or alarm .
15 When you can feel a steady breeze on your back , pull the line gently and call to the helper to release .
16 These measures will be fully explained to the Annual Conference of Presidents and Secretaries of Local Law Societies in London on Tuesday 19 January when John Appleby , Chairman of the Courts and Legal Services Committee , will present the package and call on the Government to withdraw its proposed eligibility cuts immediately now that an alternative package of savings has been agreed by the profession .
17 The auditors find fault with every stage of the ministry 's work and call for a review of site research for road improvements after the cost of improving the A6 at Chapel-en-le-Frith , Derbyshire , had jumped from £17 million to £36 million when an embankment and retaining wall collapsed .
18 The Soviet Foreign Minister and US Secretary of State , meeting in Moscow , jointly condemn the invasion and call for a world ban on arms sales to Iraq .
19 But hit-man Fashanu used his 30th birthday party to dismiss Shearer and call for the international return of Arsenal 's Ian Wright .
20 Both reports argue for trade governed by multilateral rules and call for the completion of the Uruguay round of trade talks .
21 All of these things demand the application of human gifts and call for the experience , skill and taste which categorize the craftsman .
22 Table 1 and Figures 1 and 2 illustrate our results and call for the following comments .
23 One of the hallmarks of the good poker player is the ability to absorb such kicks in the solar plexus , catch his breath , and call for the next deal .
24 Sometimes during the night someone from Wouldham would run down to the opposite bank and call for the Doctor .
25 TGWU national secretary Jack Dromey warned the unions would resist any attempt to close the base and call for an independent inquiry .
26 In Cairo 14 Arab League countries condemn the invasion and call for an immediate withdrawal .
27 But humbly regret that the Gracious Speech seeks to continue economic policies which have caused a deep and damaging recession , falling output and investment , rising unemployment and record levels of business failures and house repossessions ; and call upon the Government to adopt a programme for recovery which will encourage investment and rising levels of employment by the promotion of sustained investment in the manufacturing sector , by encouraging industrial innovation through the application of science and technology and by fully exploiting the potential of the neglected regions through vigorous regional policies , and by providing new opportunities in education and training which are crucial to Britain 's economic recovery and future prosperity .
28 In reply to his own question , ‘ What shall I render to the Lord for all his bounty to me ? ’ the psalmist can only receive with gratitude what Yahweh freely gives him and rededicate himself : ‘ I will lift up the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord , I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of his people . ’
29 If you spot these , stop your inspection and call in a structural engineer .
30 Melman told the tale of an American car parts manufacturer where one plant elected to perpetuate Taylorism when it installed computers , and the other agreed ( as a condition of collective bargaining ) to train workers to program , In the first plant , workers were designated ‘ operators ’ and paid $12–50 an hour ; when their machine malfunctions they nip the on-off switch and call in a repairman .
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