Example sentences of "[noun prp] sit at a " in BNC.

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1 Some time later I heard a chink of glass and looked up to find Dennis sitting at a nearby table with a half-empty bottle of chilled rosé .
2 The Reichsführer sat at an oak table working his way through a mound of papers .
3 Miss Hazelwood sat at a high centre desk , seemingly reading a book .
4 Wycliffe found Sergeant Curtis sitting at a table in the hall typing yet another report .
5 Just inside the door there were two Germans in the grey uniform of the Luftwaffe sitting at a table .
6 He could see Everett sitting at a tall stool , in an office not unlike Henry ‘ s , helping to build the wealth of the empire .
7 Colt sat at a table outside the café that saw everything that moved in the village .
8 Robert sat at a vacant space and put his head in his hands .
9 He made for the travelling bookshop , where he found Jeffrey Archer sitting at a portable desk to one side of the bookstall .
10 Royal author Andrew Morton sat at a table as one of Diana 's close friends poured out the truth about the Princess 's deep unhappiness .
11 Tony Parsons sits at a table in his tastefully grey-decorated house in the moderately fashionable Canonbury area of London .
12 The curtains were drawn and Sean Riley sat at a crowded desk doing his accounts .
13 Carl sits at a table , engrossed in his work .
14 Queen Elizabeth sat at a round table with the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress , near the Lord Mayor 's canopy .
15 She and Giancarlo sat at a table with a distinguished-looking woman in her fifties , whose name Constance could not remember but who was referred to by everyone as Contessa , and her son , Pino , who laughed a lot and told Constance anecdotes about the other guests .
16 There , much to Dexter 's amazement , Blanche strode down some steps to the kitchen , where Beasley sat at a pine table nursing a glass of wine .
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