Example sentences of "[noun prp] carry the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Another favourite to go out early on was Kevin Mitchell who retired at Portrush on lap one so it was left to Brian Reid , Alan Patterson , and Alan Irwin to carry the main challenge to Dunlop along with Milling and Lougher .
2 This is not — not yet — a crisis but it is a significant problem , reflected in the depressed state of northern club rugby , where Orrell carry the standard alone in the English First Division .
3 A syndicated advice column in the United States carried the following :
4 He stared at the WAAF carrying the dreadful implements and turned very pale .
5 Stephen carried the small portable barbecue and coals , whilst James brought up the rear with the ice-box full of food , wine and local Banks ' beer .
6 Clyde struggled with one heavy suitcase whilst James and Stephen carried the other two .
7 She helped with the chairs — one back to Mona 's room , another to Linley 's — while Oliver carried the broken one to the library .
8 The glance she threw Thiercelin carried the strong implication that she preferred the more mature type of man .
9 WEAPONS/ARMOUR : The Tzarina carries the magical weapon Fearfrost , and rides a Warhorse .
10 He and Broughton carried the dead body of Hilary Frome from its resting place at the top of the stairs , and laid it on the bed in the sick bay .
11 They waited at the top of the stairs while two DCs carried the lumpy white plastic bag down the staircase .
12 Buffeted by the raging winds Indraugnir carried the dying Phoenix King high above the battlefield .
13 Right : Pandora Captain John McCann carried the Red Ensign at the commemorative service in Liverpool 's Anglican cathedral
14 Sickle cell disease is particularly prevalent in West Africa , and almost one third of live births in Nigeria carry the abnormal gene .
15 Medieval divines pictured Cain carrying the meagre offering of a bunch of thorn sticks .
16 The area behind Trieste carries the Slovene name Kras .
17 Drummond also , presumably , was not averse to the larger salary which was attached to the superior rank , and his tenderness did not stop him from making the journey to Perth to vote for Argyll 's candidate , when John Murray carried the crucial vote for preses of the Michaelmas head court by a single vote .
18 Some days Ariel carried the hooped Sycorax on her back ( she would not ride on anyone else ) down to the shore and into the water , and held her up under the arms so that she could let her contorted frame float free ; small currents spun in the water as if to ease her , and the sky 's blue height seemed to catch them up into its soft vastness and give them fins and wings to fly and swoop , so that they both felt airier and brighter than they had since their freedom had come to an end , and the memory of their former peace returned for a space .
19 On the battlefield Ludwig carries the personal standard of Karl Franz .
20 But the investigators stressed it would be ‘ unfair and unrealistic , ’ for Mr Evans to carry the sole blame for fiasco .
21 But the investigators stressed it would be ‘ unfair and unrealistic ’ for Mr Evans to carry the sole blame for fiasco .
22 Next day , La Clava carried the bloodthirsty story of how the king of one of the United Arab Emirates had murdered his brother for love of a gorgeous American woman named Maria Nuria Nussberg .
23 The candelabra were brought out and , with her tongue jutting anxiously out from between her teeth , Annie carried the good plate into the dining room .
24 Bongwater 's Ann Magnuson carries the incandescent incense stick for the even ; Kim Gordon 's a carcinogenic Zippo on full flame .
25 Bongwater 's Ann Magnuson carries the incandescent incense stick for the even ; Kim Gordon 's a carcinogenic Zippo on full flame .
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