Example sentences of "[noun prp] believe that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing could be further from the truth than Kate Millett 's accusation that Freud believed that women 's destiny was a simple outcome of their biology .
2 Lucretius believed that worms were spontaneously generated in mud .
3 Ken believed that Orton was the man to whom to go when he was down .
4 Rebecca believed that Lissa could bring about her downfall , and she was almost bound to try to do something about it .
5 The Shias believe that Ali 's descendants — the Imams — are the lawful successors of Mohamed .
6 Goldman Sachs partner Alan Gillespie believes that London ‘ still will be the place where cross-border deals are done ’ .
7 McLuhan believes that writing fosters " linear thinking " : " The fragmenting of activities , our habit of thinking in bits and parts — " specialism " — reflected the step-by-step departmentalizing process inherent in the technology of the alphabet …
8 SEYMOUR PAPERT believes that children learn by building their own intellectual structures which they then apply to reality .
9 Penny believes that Diana has always been aware of her own destiny .
10 Penny believes that Diana will survive all these crises — because she is a born survivor .
11 If he does n't win , Montgomerie believes that US Masters champion Bernhard Langer , Nick Faldo or Payne Stewart are the men to beat .
12 Genscher told a news conference that Germany believed that Albania should be accepted into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and the Council of Europe and should receive aid from the Group of 24 .
13 Churchill believed that Britain needed a minister of Cabinet rank to carry out properly the forthcoming negotiations .
14 Sarah believed that Tess and Rob were so devoted to George that they would be close to him , no matter where he was .
15 In contrast to Bourdieu , Baudrillard believed that people have become merely the vehicles for expressing the differences between objects .
16 Argan believed that art belonged to all men , which is why he battled in defence of the cultural heritage from the dark days of Fascism — to the last days of his life , proof of his commitment to criticism as an instrument of conscience .
17 Aristotle believed that matter was continuous , that is , one could divide a piece of matter into smaller and smaller bits without any limit : one never came up against a grain of matter that could not be divided further .
18 She was later to discover that a certain J. Olivier believed that Vincent Van Gogh 's self-mutilation in Arles was an aspect of some bull-ritual .
19 King believed that Kandyans regarded it as ‘ an act of daring , largely partaking the character of a dangerous field sport ’ .
20 Birbeck believed that Branson had played the joke as ‘ revenge ’ for a Music Week reporter feeding stories disparaging Branson to the satirical magazine Private Eye — and he was partly right .
21 Lenin believed that bureaucracy would become redundant after a proletarian revolution which would provide for the instant revocability of every civil servant , the reduction of official salaries and the simplification of control and accounting functions in society .
22 Prof Griffith-Edwards believes that Paul became addicted to hacking .
23 The pattern of old stream courses can be clearly seen from above on the valley floors , but Peel believes that spring sapping may have been very important in the formation of the wadis .
24 Blackburn striker Alan Shearer believes that Rovers are now paying for their flying start to the Premier League campaign .
25 Whereas Pope sees this as an inevitable consequence of women 's softness , Leapor believes that women can actually improve themselves .
26 Janice believes that children should know when they are going beyond what is acceptable and that a clear framework of conduct is necessary for a child 's proper development .
27 Not only does Mrs Whitehouse believe that Christianity is under threat from political revolution , but also that it is the last line of defence against such revolution .
28 Stenton believed that Offa dominated Kent down to 776 but that the Mercians were defeated at Otford and Mercian authority not re-established in Kent until 785 when Offa again granted land in Kent in his own name ( CS 247 : S 123 ) .
29 Not surprisingly , therefore , Sir Frank Stenton believed that Offa was able ‘ to deal on equal terms ’ with Charlemagne .
30 None of the Khans believed that Artai was so incapable of controlling the violence of his temperament , Alexei thought , or they would not have elected him .
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