Example sentences of "[noun prp] find itself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist in Bosnia , Germany found itself at war with its trade competitors in the west , and at war with its nationalist rivals and its potential empire in the east .
2 The first attempt to penetrate the Latin American market was made in the early 1930s , when Moscow found itself with a surplus of oil in a world marketing network tightly controlled by the major multi-nationals .
3 In war , more common as the Dukes of Normandy used their English kingship to press their rather doubtful claims to the French throne , Sussex found itself in the front line , convenient both for intended invasions and retaliatory expeditions by licensed French pirates .
4 Eye surgeons immediately accepted the new compound , and Alcon found itself with a worldwide monopoly .
5 If McAlpine finds itself in a position to proceed to Stage II of the IDO registration procedure , i.e. the drawing up and presentation of a Plan of Operations , the Consortium will have to consider the following :
6 He [ Chang ] said that the fact Korea found itself on the other side of that line as defined in Acheson 's address , combined with the House action yesterday , appeared to raise the serious question as to whether the United States might now be considered as having abandoned Korea .
7 A Microsoft Corp staffer is reported to have told Sun Microsystems Inc that Microsoft would make Windows such a moving target that Sun , with its WABI Windows Application Binary Interface , could not keep up ( CI No 2,147 ) : if the tale is true and Microsoft means it , it means that the company has learned a little too well from its long cohabitation with IBM , and that the seeds of its own destruction are now being sown — for years , IBM added features and tweaked its mainframes with no thought of improving them from the user 's point of view , but simply to trip up competitors , and once a dominant company starts resorting to such tactics , it fatally injures the regard with which it is held by the outside world , and is embarking on the slippery slope that leads to the debacle IBM finds itself in today .
8 Denmark is their other northern commitment , and it is there that 2 RRP found itself on 30 June 1989 .
9 Here , at the top of Bridge Street , on the road to Rickmansworth , is where respectable Pinner finds itself in rude confrontation with the real world .
10 That is the real reason Strathclyde finds itself in the midst of the gravest financial crisis in its history — not the can pay , wo n't pay' Poll Tax rebels .
11 In no time at all , The Haçienda found itself with a reputation of being the coldest , most unresponsive , most apathetic gigging hall in the country .
12 In Spain in the 1960s , INI found itself with representatives of the ministries of finance , commerce , industry , public works , agriculture , as well as the ministries of the army , navy and airforce , on its board of directors ( Fernandez 1970 : 951–2 ) .
13 In 1918 the 47-year-old Reich created by Bismarck found itself in an increasingly difficult situation .
14 Other aircraft joined in the fight , and before it could make a second attack the Albatros found itself under attack .
15 If they had agreed a price the deal would have gone through just as SMS found itself in so much trouble with Volvo [ SMS was forced to resign the $40m Volvo account in early 1991 , after it was discovered the agency was rigging performance advertisements ] .
16 We hear that during September , Pest Control Westminster found itself in an embarrassing situation of having under spent on its petty cash budget by 10% .
17 On practically every issue the Comintern found itself in the role of an infallible body which had adopted a manifestly fallible policy .
18 The incentive to export seems to have been considerably reduced , and in 1987 Yugoslavia found itself in an increasingly difficult balance of payments position .
19 Instead , BZW found itself in a race against County NatWest , rival offspring of another British clearing bank .
20 Frederick 's aggression disturbed George II 's position as Elector of Hanover and , because he tried to defend Maria Theresa 's treaty rights and France joined in the attack upon her , Britain found itself at war with France .
21 If this proves not to be the case and if , faced with a major unemployment crisis , Britain finds itself with no recourse , then it should not hesitate in seceding before it is too late .
22 Instead of a telling-off , with time to put things right , TDC found itself under a much more strict court order with which it could not negotiate and which gave it little flexibility .
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