Example sentences of "[noun prp] at the head " in BNC.

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1 The 39-year-old Englishman swept to a final-round 66 at Golf del Sur to add the Tenerife Open title to the Madeira Open crown he won last month , and to displace Nick Faldo at the head of the money list .
2 The table had been laid out as a T , with Derek Jefferson at the head of the table , flanked by his production director and , as yet , an empty space on his right .
3 Not surprisingly the choice of ‘ Great Views ’ is a very personal one and many favourites are missing , including my own cherished ones of the Cuillins from Elgol or the summit of Sgurr na Stri at the entrance to Loch Coruisk , or Rannoch Moor seen from Buachaille Etive Mor at the head of Glen Coe .
4 The presence of Rwigyema at the head of the rebellion , and the desertion from the NRA to the rebels of large numbers of Rwandan nationals , including about 40 officers , was embarrassing for the Ugandan government , which denied knowledge of an invasion plan , and moved quickly to close the border .
5 ‘ With its comprehensive specification and competitive pricing , Safrane will pitch Renault at the head of the volume executive sector for the first time . ’
6 Another way into the interior is offered by a stalker 's path from Annat at the head of Loch Torridon ( closed in the later months of the year ) : this leads to the tarns at the foot of Maol Cheandearg with a branch turning off to An Ruadh-stac .
7 Dibuama had visited Cambodia in May at the head of a UN fact-finding mission [ see p. 38195 ] .
8 Entering the small church at Chivay at the head of the Colca Canyon , children had jumped out of two alcoves and run off laughing .
9 The Queen 's Way , which ran at right angles to the King 's Way , was to have a massive terminal station at its head , dominating Connaught Circus and second in importance only to the Viceroy 's palace on the Raisina Acropolis at the head of King 's Way .
10 So I would n't like to see any property developers take it , the club on because I think they 'd be purely after the ground , I , I 'd feel much better if the consortium with Ray at the head took it over because they are genuinely interested in Walsall and the Walsall people .
11 I 've had support from as far away as Boston , Massachusetts ( nowhere else , actually ) , for the retention of old Sir Wynkyn at the head of this column , but now that I have met the new fellow , commissioned at vast expense ( as the Editor has been at pains to point out ) , I feel he 's quite me .
12 Chief change is a move up to a 1900cc engine so he can compete with Peugeots at the head of the field .
13 Labour , however , remains confident that Mr Kinnock is on course to enter Downing Street at the head of a minority government .
14 If reflected on polling day , it would make Labour the largest single party , about 20 seats short of an overall majority , but with Mr Kinnock almost certain to enter Downing Street at the head of a minority government .
15 Such a result would almost certainly put Mr Kinnock in Downing Street at the head of a minority government .
16 With more than 500 results declared , early hopes that the Mr Kinnock could enter Downing Street at the head of a minority Government had all but evaporated .
17 At the Lincoln parliament of 1316 , with Lancaster at the head of the council , a campaign in Scotland was planned and the proposal to levy one man from each vill was revived , with the vill responsible for wages for sixty days ' service .
18 Turn left here to go to the waterfall Pistyll Rhyd-y-meinciau at the head of the valley .
19 The strike came less than a week after Serbia 's repression of the Kosovar Albanians had been condemned by the minority leader in the United States Senate , Robert Dole , following his visit to Pristina at the head of a delegation of US Republican congressmen .
20 The first of them was the Breton Louison Bobet , who rode into Paris at the head three times running from 1953–5 .
21 Using data for the period 1954–74 , Khalil and Hanna ( 1984 ) have demonstrated that since the scheme was initiated the dissolved salt content of the Nile at the head of the delta has increased by 29 per cent .
22 A combination of forceful fencing and enterprising tactics may seal first prize for Captain Dibble and enable his blossoming trainer to maintain a close vigil on Gordon Richards at the head of the table .
23 The rest of the day was spent by lonely Loch Beannacharain at the head of the glen .
24 I interviewed Place in a midget submarine in Portsmouth dockyard similar to the one in which he and two other men had travelled up the long fjord in northern Norway at the head of which Tirpitz lay , cut their way through the nets surrounding her and laid charges beneath her hull which , when they exploded an hour later and Place was a prisoner-of-war on board her , put the ship out of action for six months .
25 They got as far as Eldinhope at the head of St Mary 's Loch before the early November dark made following the tracks of even five hundred difficult ; and the Regent and Ramsay spent the night in that remote peel-tower of a Scott laird .
26 English statesman and twice Prime Minister ( 1784–1801 and 1804–6 ) : ‘ the pilot who had weathered the storm ’ , DS 61 ; increased the tax on windows , OCS 28 ; sought to adopt a neutral attitude towards the French Revolution , but on France 's declaring war on England put Britain at the head of a powerful anti-French alliance , TTC iii 8 .
27 It is true that , while outright military victory remained improbable , Labour leaders Toping for a German revolution ) resisted calls for the post-war de-industrialization of Germany and toyed with the idea of placing Britain at the head of a revolutionary European resistance to Hitler .
28 Cardiff–based single–car unit No 55032 carrying the dragon and red ‘ V ’ of Provincial 's Welsh ‘ Valley Lines ’ is seen near Porth at the head of a Barry Island to Treherbert train on 15 August 1985 .
29 Turning , she beheld Araminta at the head of the stairs , and remembered that Miss Merchiston had instructed her to go down to her parlour when she had left her mother .
30 He came home from a night 's fishing with the news that King George V was having a review of the British fleet , and would sail through the Channel to Chatham at the head of his Navy , leading them in a dreadnought .
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