Example sentences of "[noun prp] at [art] battle " in BNC.

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1 On 22 June 168 BC Lucius Aemilius Paullus defeated King Perseus of Macedon at the Battle of Pydna .
2 In the great days of Suleiman the Magnificent the sultan 's armies reached the gates of Vienna in 1529 , having already subdued Hungary at the battle of Mohács three years earlier .
3 Edward returned to England in the following spring with Burgundian support and defeated first Warwick at the battle of Barnet and then the Lancastrian army at Tewkesbury .
4 Edward returned to England in the following spring with Burgundian support and defeated first Warwick at the battle of Barnet and then the Lancastrian army at Tewkesbury .
5 Domination of the Middle East had always been seen as an important element of British strategy since Nelson defeated Napoleon at the Battle of the Nile in 1798 ; and it remained so into the 1940s and early 1950s .
6 The German army system of 1914 dated from the reorganization of the Prussian Army after its defeat by Napoleon at the Battle of Jena in 1806 .
7 Lucius Cornelius Scipio , brother of Publius Scipio Africanus who was famed for his victory over Hannibal in Africa , defeated Antiochus III of Syria at the Battle of Magnesia in western Asia Minor in 189 BC .
8 The deaths of only eighty-one men of Hampshire at the battle of Æthelingadene in 1001 does not suggest fighting on a large scale , and it is noticeable that the same raiders shortly afterwards attacked Exeter and were repulsed .
9 He was killed in Transylvania at the Battle of Segesvár in 1849 , fighting with Kossuth 's armies under general Bem .
10 King Haakon , defeated by Alexander II of Scotland at the Battle of Largs in 1263 , fled to Orkney , where he died later the same year ; and Norse rule ended when King Christian I pledged Orkney as security for the dowry of his daughter , The Maid of Norway , sent as bride to King James III .
11 John of Copeland , a Northumbrian knight of modest means who was fortunate enough to capture David II of Scotland at the battle of Neville 's Cross in 1346 , was rewarded by the king with an annuity of £500 .
12 There was certainly plenty of anti-Athenian feeling , for some Thessalians fighting for Athens at the battle of Tanagra in 457 ( p. 42 ) changed sides ( Thuc. i. 107 ; Diod. xi.79 ) .
13 Nevertheless , Theoderid did fight for the Romans against the Sueves in Spain in 446 , and in 451 he provided the most substantial portion of the confederacy which faced Attila and the Huns at the battle of the Catalaunian Plains .
14 King Harold at the Battle of Hastings ( no , I do n't know what he looked like either — use your imagination ) , squinting keenly into the distance with an arrow sticking out of his eye .
15 English by birth , Margaret fled to Scotland in 1068 with her brother Edgar Atheling , claimant to the English throne after the death of Harold at the battle of Hastings .
16 But after the defeat and death of de Montfort at the battle of Evesham , the king on 2 September 1266 wrote to Roger Leyburn , Justice of the Forest north of Trent :
17 It was Karl Franz who led the charge of the Reiksguard at the battle of Norduin against the Bretonnians , where the Emperor 's personal valour finally broke the resistance of the Bretonnian flank guard and drove them from the narrow defile which they had defiantly held throughout the battle .
18 Edward II decided to take action against the Scots in 1314 , but lost against Robert Bruce at the battle of Bannockburn on 24th .
19 But in 679 he himself was defeated by Æthelred of Mercia at the battle of the Trent , where Ecgfrith 's brother Ælfwine was killed .
20 After being defeated by the Roundheads at the Battle of Worcester in 1651 , the future King was compelled to run for his life , and this was how he came to Boscobel .
21 Adolphus swung his sword , one of the twelve mighty Runefangs , and brother to the Solland blade taken by Gorbad at the Battle of Solland 's Crown .
22 In 642 or 643 ( depending on whether he became king in 634 or 635 ) ( see Appendix , Fig. 7.3 ) he was slain fighting Penda at the battle of Maserfelth ( HE 111 , 9 ) or Maes Cogwy ( HB ch. 65 ; AC s.a. 644 ) , traditionally though not certainly Old Oswestry , and his body dismembered .
23 After the death of King Olaf Tryggvason of Norway at the battle of Svold in 999 it had been ruled by Earl Eric of Lade and his brother Swegen under the sovereignty of Cnut 's father ; according to later Scandinavian tradition , Eric married Swegen Forkbeard 's daughter Gytha .
24 He had been in charge of situations for the previous half century , since he had commanded guns on the Barham at the Battle of Jutland , as a midshipman , in the First World War .
25 After over a decade of fighting , Basil defeated Samuilo at the battle of Kleidon in 1014 .
26 ‘ Qui plus fait , mie[u]x vault ’ ( ‘ Who does most is worth most ’ ) , the refrain in the Livre de chevalerie written in the middle of the fourteenth century by Geoffroi de Charny , the standard-bearer of King John II of France at the battle of Poitiers , who preferred to stand and die rather than run away in the moment of defeat , aptly sums up the chivalrous attitude to war .
27 Following the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC Julius Caesar 's great-nephew and heir , Octavian , became master of the Mediterranean world .
28 An ancestor had been to the crusades , another had captured Harry Hotspur at the Battle of Otterburn in 1388 , and a Count Montgomerie had accidentally killed King Henry II of France in a jousting contest .
29 " We shall yet talk of this day in ladies ' chambers , " said the Count of Soissons at the Battle of al-Mansurah .
30 The most notable example of this occurred in the county in 1264 , when the troops of Simon de Montfort defeated Henry Ill at the Battle of Lewes .
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