Example sentences of "[noun prp] have arranged for " in BNC.

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1 And er he says well Berty 's arranged for a van to sa to get this suite .
2 Dennis Heslop has arranged for the large ornate circular window to be set up at St. Paul 's church in West Witton near Bishop Auckland .
3 Now the Henley-based charity which arranged that vacation in the Malvern Hills has arranged for them to stay over here until conditions in Russian orphanages are improved .
4 She seemed more beautiful than ever , and her manner to me was very pleasant , as I took her to the house in London where Miss Havisham had arranged for her to stay .
5 Well , I did n't know that Ebert had arranged for us to stay in a singsong house .
6 Tottenham chief executive Terry Venables has arranged for Lazio to return in November , and Alan Sugar , chairman of Tottenham Hotspur plc , said : ‘ Those with an eye for a popular event will immediately recognise the potential of these fixtures .
7 It had been courteously framed , but Goibniu had arranged for Balor to go with them and Floy had known — and everyone had known — that it had not really been a request but a command .
8 After the ceremony , she and Ludovico went to Chiesa Santo Spirito , at the end of their road , where Ludovico had arranged for them to be blessed , explaining to her that it had no religious significance and did not endanger her non-Catholic soul .
9 Patterson had arranged for the hand delivery to a firm of corporate solicitors who had an office in Bloomsbury round the back of the British Museum .
10 Patterson had arranged for the solicitors in Bloomsbury to ring him immediately the jiffy bag arrived , so that end was covered and I was pretty sure that 's where the Airborne messenger was heading without further interruptions .
11 Sir Geoffrey has arranged for us to be provided with two rooms in the Ingard offices — and I suggest that I and my clerks occupy one room , and you the other .
12 I understand that , in view of the allegations about the conduct of Staffordshire special branch officers , the chief constable of Staffordshire has arranged for a full investigation by the deputy chief constable of another force .
13 SCO has arranged for Chorus to do the bulk of the packaging and development work with SCO Open Desktop as the front end .
14 Eagle argued that Mr Ferriday had arranged for its money to be used to satisfy his obligations under the sub-underwriting arrangements that Savory Milln had entered into in circumstances in which Savory Milln ought to have known or been put on inquiry that the money had been misappropriated from Eagle .
15 The Court said that Savory Milln may have felt some anxiety and even suspicion as to how Mr Ferriday had arranged for the £13.5m to be paid on his behalf , but it was going too far to say that any honest and reasonable man would have inferred that Mr Ferriday had misappropriated Eagle 's money in gross breach of his duty as a director or that any honest and reasonable man would not have applied the money , as Savory Milln did , in discharge of sub-underwriting liabilities until he had been satisfied that the monies were properly paid .
16 In his first act as a father , Vitor had arranged for his labourers to build a sandpit at the edge of the terrace and opposite her workshop .
17 In their infinite wisdom , the SFA had arranged for a Scotland Under 23 side to travel with the senior squad , in the admirable but ultimately naive belief that it would be a learning experience for the young stars of the future .
18 And for Americans who can not get enough , CNN has arranged for a gruelling daily schedule of Brinkley on four other topics : food , travel , showbiz and health — laughingly titled Living In The Nineties .
19 Omar had arranged for Beyyene , a negadi or muleteer , to meet us at Mojjo Station , sixty miles down the line , with his men and twenty pack mules , and we sent Kassimi , Goutama and Makonnen ahead with our own animals to join him there .
20 Superintendent Hayes sealed the bedroom , leaving PC May at the house until Norris had arranged for the body to go to the mortuary .
21 ‘ But I thought on Saturday , Rodie had arranged for — ’
22 They 're leaving this place in the afternoon and we have another lot coming in , so Stella has arranged for Jean to attend to the chalets and bed changing while she does the barbecue at the end of the rafting . ’
23 The day before Farnham , Michael had arranged for us to use the Dean Street Synagogue , which has a huge , parquet-floored hall in the basement .
24 The UEFA control and disciplinary committee said Dinamo had arranged for 5,000 dollars to be paid to the referee , linesmen and fourth official before the home game on August 18 .
25 Henry Ratter had arranged for me to attend several training courses , including the two-day ‘ Quality in Action ’ workshop .
26 WOULD-BE MP No rent had been paid since July last year but arrears up to the end of November were already the subject of a previous court order and Mr Finnegan had arranged for his wife 's small income to be made available to cover those .
27 Pierre Leveque had arranged for me to join a small party attending the season-opening hockey match that evening at the Molson Stadium , with the local Montreal Canadiens playing the New York Rangers , but I did not realize it was the mayoral party until we arrived .
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