Example sentences of "[noun prp] gaze up at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He thinks I 'm his mother ’ she said blissfully , as Patrick gazed up at her from her lap — dolls will never be quite the same again .
2 ‘ I 've never eaten them , ’ Richard gazed up at the man , his clear chestnut eyes , starry with their thick lashes , open wide as he judged the amount of pathos necessary to achieve his aim .
3 Nothing changes , I 'm sitting in the stalls of the London Palladium gazing up at Tom Jones ' loud American-checked crutch .
4 Rex gazed up at him .
5 Lucy gazed up at him .
6 As the sun begins to set , I drive along Vermont gazing up at the eerie silhouettes of young Korean men armed with M-16s , machine pistols and infra-red binoculars .
7 Lissa gazed up at him , at his vexed expression , and tried to quell the smile that pulled at her lips .
8 Jane gazed up at the towering bulk .
9 Zen gazed up at the shelves loaded with rows of books as uniform as bricks .
10 Fitzormonde gazed up at the cruel gargoyle faces on the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula .
11 They walked towards the castle , and Jessamy gazed up at the towers and battlements , and the great walls that loomed above them .
12 Tuppe gazed up at the crumbling façade .
13 I looked down into the punt and saw Rachel gazing up at me from beneath a wide straw hat .
14 Robyn gazed up at him , her face tight with misery .
15 Robyn gazed up at the billowing white clouds and a longing for Luke 's touch , unlike anything she had ever felt before , overwhelmed her completely — her whole being ached with the desire to be held in his arms , to feel the strength and comfort and warmth of his body close to hers .
16 Jonathan gazed up at them .
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