Example sentences of "[noun prp] climb into the " in BNC.

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1 Donna climbed into the exhibit and began inspecting them .
2 WPC Wendy Tinkler climbed into the wheelie-bin , which was then sealed with tape .
3 When they stopped for a beer rest before running through Act Two again — a fly-man was dispatched to the Oyster Bar with a hot-water jug stamped ‘ Property of Sefton General Hospital ’ — Meredith climbed into the orchestra pit to play the piano .
4 Something else , something as he passed the door of the Volvo to climb into the boot .
5 Léonie climbed into the back of the car after Thérèse .
6 Zen climbed into the nearside front seat .
7 Janice climbed into the leather-scented Mercedes and looked around her with a self-satisfied smile .
8 Kelly half listened as Ibn Fayoud climbed into the passenger seat .
9 Ruth climbed into the boat , at the stern .
10 Loretta climbed into the taxi , and headed for home .
11 Coroner Michael Colcutt told the inquest jury at Northampton General Hospital that Mr Dimmer climbed into the vat to retrieve some components that were stuck .
12 Doyle climbed into the car carrying the doll that the girl had been painting , and the ring that they had argued about .
13 Marvin climbed into the weapons carrier and began driving it as director Robert Aldrich called , ‘ Action ! ’
14 Duncan climbed into the cab and started the engine .
15 She watched from the unlit half-landing window as Maurice climbed into the Mercedes , its rear lights blurred and twin exhausts clouding in the misty air .
16 Killion climbed into the car .
17 From the front window I saw Jo climb into the BMW and as the interior light went on , I could make out the shape of the man driving .
18 Colonel Moore climbed into the conversation through the chance of a correction .
19 After clinching the Democratic presidential nomination last spring , Clinton 's campaign fell into the doldrums in June as independent Ross Perot climbed into the lead even without formally declaring his candidacy .
20 Irina climbed into the front passenger seat .
21 Pint-sized Martin Conroy climbed into the float as milkman Brian Connell was collecting cash .
22 It was just a rectangular alloy box Mary climbed into the side-car laughing , and trying to cover her knees from Billy 's leering gaze as she sat down .
23 Tuppe climbed into the portmanteau and dug about .
24 Tense with anticipation , Juliet climbed into the car beside him .
25 Cowley climbed into the back of the car , then leaned out the window to add , ‘ It seems that young Mayli has already located Colonel Lin Foh 's new hotel .
26 Mobuto climbed into the back of the limousine .
27 Blake climbed into the cab , followed by the Doctor .
28 Alcock and Brown climbed into the cockpit , waved goodbye , to everyone and the Vimy set off .
29 Once or twice a week Howard climbs into the station wagon and drives over to the little market town fifteen miles away .
30 Lenny Campion climbed into the nearside observer 's seat and Sorvino walked around the big Ford .
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