Example sentences of "[noun prp] be appointed [adj] " in BNC.

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1 DAN MCSWEENEY and Nicholas Pentreath are appointed Dry Cargo Shipbrokers with Anderson Hughes .
2 Their purpose was to provide unloading and warehousing facilities as close to the heart of London as possible , and Thomas Telford ( q.v. ) and Philip Hardwick were appointed chief engineer and architect respectively .
3 In the autumn of 1929 Humphrys was appointed high commissioner ( from 1932 first British ambassador ) to the British mandated state of Iraq , where he stayed for six years .
4 In 1927 Pillai was appointed assistant collector of customs in Madras and two years later became deputy director of commercial Intelligence in Calcutta .
5 In Cabinet changes which took effect on Feb. 25 Carmelo Lauria Lesseur was appointed Interior Minister , Arminda Quintana Justice Minister , Rafael Guevara acting Minister of Energy and Mines , and Celestino Armas Secretary of the Presidency .
6 When Captain Owen commissioned Leven , a ship-sloop , and the brig Barracouta in 1821 for his survey of the east coast of Africa , Vidal was appointed first lieutenant in Leven .
7 Mrs Currie was appointed junior health minister just three years after entering the Commons for Bedford South in 1983 .
8 Vladimir Meciar ( PAV ) , Interior Minister in the outgoing Slovak government , was appointed Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic on June 27 ; Carnogursky was appointed First Deputy Premier .
9 Shortly afterwards Stieger resigned and Eric Gordon England was appointed Managing Director , a man firmly convinced that the era of civil aviation had finally begun in earnest .
10 Mr I J Stephen was appointed Assistant Area Director and Welfare Officer for the North Eastern Area , and Mr G M Halloran was appointed Assistant Area Director and Welfare Officer for Scotland .
11 When Shearman was appointed National Education Officer for the WEA , questions were raised by the LEA over the continued appointment of a full-time resident tutor in the county and agreement was reached only on the understanding that the new resident tutor would concentrate his activities in the undeveloped rural areas in the south of the county .
12 In 1834 , Peel was appointed prime minister .
13 Viktor Ivanenko was appointed acting head of the new service , which was portrayed by commentators as a further move by Yeltsin to set up sovereign state structures for his republic [ see below for new USSR law regulating KGB ] .
14 After Coleman 's death , Sewell was appointed Principal and Professor on 23 July 1839 .
15 Mr I J Stephen was appointed Assistant Area Director and Welfare Officer for the North Eastern Area , and Mr G M Halloran was appointed Assistant Area Director and Welfare Officer for Scotland .
16 The Clyde Valley Regional Planning Committee had been constituted in 1943 , and Abercrombie was appointed Principal Consultant ; Robert Matthew was his deputy .
17 Born in November 1931 , Ian Duncan was appointed managing director finance & administration in June 1990 after joining Guinness PLC in April 1990 as managing director finance .
18 Wheeler makes brief mention of the 8th Regiment in letter No.107 dated 10 June 1824 ( and in No.104 announces that Sir Frederick Adam is appointed High Commissionaire ( sic ) — see below ) .
19 Sabyasachi Mukerjee was appointed Chief Justice of India with effect from Dec. 18 after the retirement of E. S. Venkataramiah , who himself was only sworn in on June 17 but who had reached the retirement age of 65 .
20 Under the 1643 ordinance to control printing , Bachilor was appointed one of the twelve divines empowered to license books of divinity .
21 Brooke was appointed privy councillor in 1955 and CH in 1964 .
22 Trevor Nunn was appointed Artistic Director of the RSC — their youngest ever — in 1968 , and has had many brilliant successes with Shakespeare at Stratford , the Barbican and abroad .
23 On March 7 Jean-Luc Dehaene was appointed Prime Minister in place of Wilfried Martens , who had held the post for nearly 13 years as the head of nine different coalitions .
24 Mr Portillo 's promotion makes him the youngest Cabinet minister since Dr David Owen was appointed Foreign Secretary under Labour .
25 Howard Shelley was appointed Associate Conductor of the London Mozart Players last year .
26 As soon as it became clear that Miss Trunchbull had completely disappeared from the scene , the excellent Mr Trilby was appointed Head Teacher in her place .
27 Clare Miller is appointed assistant contracts manager .
28 Winston Mensah-Wood was appointed General Officer Commanding the Ghana Armed Forces on June 4 , 1990 .
29 In another development , Mr Campbell was appointed assistant editor on Mr Montgomery 's old paper , Today , by Richard Stott , former editor of the Daily Mirror .
30 Lu Jin-Dong was appointed Honorary President with Vice President positions being filled by representatives from Taipei , Singapore and Italy .
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