Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] link [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , not all change of state verbs can be expected to occur with adverbal adjectives even then ; for instance , murder and burn do indeed produce a change of state that can be described by an adjective but one which is so intimately linked to the nature of the verb and so banally obvious that the adjective describing the object is otiose .
2 Similarly , although the works clubs which are in charge of workplace negotiations in Sweden are sub-organisations of the branches of the national unions and less loosely linked to union organisation than the equivalent shop steward system in Britain ( at least before the expansion of single-employer bargaining ) , nevertheless they act independently of the branch and national union headquarters .
3 These sorts of childhood problems are only weakly linked to adult schizophrenia and alcoholism , and completely unrelated to manic depressive illness or anxiety neurosis .
4 Group 2 argued , for instance , that this configuration is not only cohesively linked by a broad lexical set including the items " rained " , " water " and " wet " , but it is also linked in terms of an implicit cause-and-effect relationship between the propositions expressed by each sentence .
5 But since the nature of their business is so inexorably linked with valuable information legitimately acquired , it is difficult to ensure that this information is not illegitimately used .
6 Unlike CFCs , CO2 emissions can not be dealt with at the micro level by changing technologies : CO2 is so directly linked with almost all productive technology that its control must have profound macroeconomic consequences .
7 The position is still worse because , in many schools , most of the RE time available is spent on content only marginally linked with religion : on moral and cultural education of one kind or another or social studies in which the information conveyed about different religions tends to be of a largely sociological nature , describing other people 's customs and beliefs .
8 These two discourses of eugenics and feminism , seemingly distinct yet so often linked in the political language of many early twentieth-century feminists , had clearly influenced Outram 's educational thinking .
9 Both men lived through the Depression , but Fraser 's depressions were only indirectly linked with the hardships of people he knew .
10 The idea of ‘ distraction ’ , so strongly linked with London in ‘ Burnt Norton ’ was one which Eliot saw in this period as politically as well as spiritually dangerous .
11 His thoughts were with the two figures ahead , so tightly linked beneath the sheltering dome of the umbrella .
12 In many countries public libraries and school education have often been administratively closely linked in that they draw financial support from the same source .
13 Music , tears , song , breath are so closely linked for me — like a great life giving force .
14 The progress of the West Indian colonies was particularly important to Britain because they were so closely linked to her economic development .
15 Where tax-free reserves are so closely linked to capital investment , the small firm finds a greater proportion of profits subject to tax and may therefore be subject to a higher marginal rate of taxation .
16 It is also important because , as the coordinator of the exhibition , the Soprintendente Giovanna Nepi Sciré said , ‘ This is the first occasion when one of Palazzo Grassi 's [ owned and administered by Fiat ] exhibitions has been so closely linked to Venetian public institutions .
17 The dicta in Reg. v. Director of Serious Fraud Office , Ex parte Saunders are not , of course , binding on us , but they are so closely linked to the ratio that we think it would be wrong to depart from them .
18 Controlling activities arc so closely linked to Planning and Decision-making activities that it would be advisable to study the next two chapters in conjunction with Chapters 16 and 17 .
19 Local education authorities in England , Wales and Scotland are subsidiaries of the wider local councils , but those in Northern Ireland are not so closely linked to the rest of local government .
20 Carbon dioxide will be the supreme test of commitment and anti-pollution technology , but , as has been noted before , it is so omnipresent , its natural cycle so great and its sources and sinks so difficult to determine accurately ( one assessment in early 1990 downgraded the amount mopped up by the oceans by 50 per cent but came to no firm conclusion about where the unaccounted for remainder went ) , so closely linked with economic growth and its man-made sources so hard and expensive to restrain that it is difficult to imagine a protocol which will be globally effective .
21 Is it necessary to have an extra ladder of offences so closely linked with the general ladder of offences of violence ?
22 The children had also done their share , not always wholly willingly , to help the family whose problems now seemed so closely linked with their own .
23 This is the first occasion when one of Palazzo Grassi 's exhibitions has been so closely linked with a Venetian public institution .
24 The concept is so closely linked with his names that it is difficult , sometimes , to separate the two .
25 The modernist council properties have long been one of the strongest fiefdoms of professionalized architecture , being extremely closely linked to development planning and local political interests , and subject to the intervention of both civic authorities and the state .
26 It is almost always due to bruising of the urethra during sexual intercourse , and only occasionally linked with bacterial infection .
27 A person 's social development is thus crucially linked to the physical fact of ageing : no one can be fixed in a low position , but must eventually succeed to the highest status , simply by staying alive .
28 The failure of the market due to imperfect competition to regulate the company as an economic unit is thus indissolubly linked with the increased and potentially unconstrained power of corporate managers .
29 ‘ The problems and opportunities in the four divisions [ Agricultural , Fibres , Mond , and Petrochemicals & Plastics ] making up the Group 's heavy chemical interests were broadly similar , and their activities were already closely linked in terms of mutual dependence on material supply .
30 The exhibition most deliberately linked to Columbus was that at the Musée Barbier-Mueller in Geneva , the catalogue for which is a magnificent book , written by eight authors , half of whose essays were translated into French ( Spanish and Catalan editions are available but not an English translation ) .
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