Example sentences of "[adv] [art] same position " in BNC.

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1 In making such judgments one is in much the same position as a journalist describing a battle after it had taken place from the bar of a hotel , for the pressures in the 'sixties were very great and very immediate and those of us in the Ministries of Education responded to them as best we knew how .
2 Let us not forget that players such as Wade Dooley have found themselves in much the same position as the Frenchmen described !
3 We are conscious , in general , of some of our memory , and the results of speech generation , though in the latter case we are in much the same position as any other observer ( cf.
4 Thus , Members of Parliament may be said to occupy much the same position with respect to the nationalised industries as do shareholders with respect to a joint stock company .
5 Thus a member of Lautro upon whom an intervention notice is served is in much the same position as a defendant to an action at law against whom an ex parte injunction is obtained .
6 The double bed where she had lain with Johnny occupied much the same position as did her own .
7 One of the most important changes brought about in higher education by the Education Reform Act was the removal of polytechnics from local authority control and their conversion into independent institutions in much the same position as the universities .
8 ‘ My great fear , ’ he told the Society of Conservative Accountants last month , ‘ is that we will be back in just the same position again in the next recession .
9 My fear is that we will be back in just the same position again in the next recession .
10 It means the cameras can focus on the lectern knowing that the speaker will always be placed in exactly the same position relevant to it .
11 He dragged a bag out , turned it round and pushed it back in exactly the same position .
12 Kirov crouched at his side , removing a couple of pins and replacing them in exactly the same position .
13 This poor woman and her child are in exactly the same position as Philippe .
14 Scientists attempting to calculate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations are in exactly the same position : the only evidence we have for life anywhere in the Universe is confined to this planet .
15 It is unlikely to be in exactly the same position , even if she could find it , for during the night there is a great deal of jostling among the youngsters and any one of them may have moved about eighteen inches or so .
16 He dies lying across his brother 's body , a complicated split screen effect in which Irons was first Elliot , sprawled half-sitting against the wall with a stand-in across his lap , and then Beverly lying in exactly the same position as the stand-in for a matte shot to be inserted in the first image .
17 If it is a possible view that section 8 is intended to put a 16- or 17-year-old in exactly the same position as an adult and there is thus some ambiguity , although I do not think that there is , it is a permissible aid to construction to seek to ascertain the mischief at which the section is directed .
18 A great deal of this is down to the fact that the sweet spot is in exactly the same position throughout the set .
19 It says that if an ALT can SKIP to a second ALT , which in turn can SKIP to P , then all other options in these ALTs are in exactly the same position : they might be offered , or might be ignored in favour of P. ( 2.12 ) unc The final law depends on the fact that we are only interested in minimal acceptance sets .
20 When this dialogue is opened again , the same folder or file selection is presented and the scroll bar is in exactly the same position .
21 I believe that , if it is established through a proper investigation that a company has been victimising workers for reporting safety concerns , that company — whether it is a contractor or an operator — must be in exactly the same position as an employee who has jeopardised the safety of a platform .
22 Outside the meeting can I just say I 'm getting some of the new screening sheets through , you know first , but people do n't seem to know what they 're supposed to do with them and their in exactly the same position that they were before .
23 exactly the same position on .
24 Dr Steel said the Scottish findings showed the same linkage and located the gene in exactly the same position as similar work carried out in England , the United States , Germany , France , Sweden , the Netherlands and Iceland .
25 This surely , whatever else it means , this , for this scripture here surely means that those people who had the opportunity of accepting Christ , of responding to him , but who have rejected him , they are in exactly the same position as Pontius Pilate .
26 Pauli 's exclusion principle says that two similar particles can not exist in the same state , that is , they can not have both the same position and the same velocity , within the limits given by the uncertainty principle .
27 And I fear therefore that we 're in precisely the same position as we were when the presbytery of Hamilton brought their overture to us .
28 But my location 321762 is in precisely the same position in my cells as your location 321762 is in your cells .
29 An equitable mortgagee seeking possession is in precisely the same position as a legal mortgagee ( Barclays Bank Ltd v Bird [ 1954 ] Ch 274 at p 280 ) , but the remedy of an equitable chargee is only by way of sale ( see The Supreme Court Practice Vol 1 at 50/1 — 9/23 ) .
30 Children whose parents are not married to each other are in almost the same position as children whose parents have married each other , but some differences remain .
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