Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] charge of " in BNC.

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1 The Doctor explained to the colonel apparently in charge of the troops that he was the scientific advisor for UNIT .
2 There 's this guy there called Les , now it was put to us when we were down there last time that erm , attending this meeting when it happens would be er one Nigel , who 's , I do n't quite , I ca n't remember what he 's picked for , erm he 's actually been promoted , he 's pretty senior , he was basically in charge of the product engineering at , and he 's now been promoted so that puts him even further up the ladder
3 They twice hit back and were sufficiently in charge of the second half to have nicked the much-needed points themselves .
4 Kubrick , who was personally in charge of special photographic effects as well as of the film overall ( similarly Hyams was , unusually , director of photography on his own movie ) , deliberately chose old-fashioned in-camera techniques where they would work .
5 That was one of my most memorable rounds , even if I was only in charge of wellingtons .
6 ‘ I was only in charge of the forwards , and not the whole team ’ , pointed out Simpkin .
7 Is any body pacifically in charge of publicity or is it a committee meeting eh committee do more can you tell me er who 's in charge ?
8 Peter Eustace is entirely in charge of team affairs here .
9 White-haired and with make-up applied in the haphazard way that suggests no great interest in the face rather than a weakening of the critical faculties , Louise was still very much in charge of herself — her appearance , thought and manner .
10 Though Sergeant was no longer in charge of " drill " ( that task now falling to the PE Department ) , he still had plenty to do , receiving visitors to the School , answering the telephone , issuing stationery , working the duplicating machine , looking after the dinner register , the absentee book , the late book , distributing correspondence , and looking after casualties .
11 His place was taken by promoting Tony Newton , who was already in charge of the group looking at supplementary benefit .
12 She was seventeen and not exactly in charge of her own life . ’
13 Gioella had been irritated by her and , in revenge , had set out to make her feel like a schoolgirl — not only by action and word , but simply by being effortlessly in charge of everyone , with the possible exception of the Principe di Savognia .
14 For the latter , the self-interest lies in being fully and finally in charge of one 's working life , in recovering it as part of a life of one 's own .
15 Don Cameron was Head of Talks , and I was usually in charge of his visit , which kept me busy for the few days he would be with us , twice a year .
16 In a paper on peace and violence this is probably a proper focus , for it is men who are usually in charge of techniques of attack against outsiders .
17 Roger , who was always in charge of the music , bad decided the party was ready for nostalgia — the 60s by the sound of it — someone , Maggie could n't remember who , was singing a song called ‘ Hats off to Larry ’ .
18 She was totally in charge of herself . ’
19 this to a and you 're totally in charge of it you wo n't really get to grips and get .
20 It is not certain whether Hippodamos was ever in charge of laying out a town but his plans and ideas were influential in the planning of some cities , for example , Piraeus , the port of Athens , in about 470–460 B.C.
21 However , a more careful analysis of methods of work and recreation in the Easter vac helped me to overcome these problems and be more in charge of myself , rather than being tossed about at random .
22 Mr Bruce Napier , a chartered clinical psychologist once in charge of the society 's disciplinary procedures , said : ‘ If you go to see a therapist for an hour a week to talk about your most intimate feelings , it is understandable you may develop more powerful feelings for him than you would for your bank manager or solicitor . ’
23 Falling ‘ If you want to sell , you 've got to be prepared to cut your price — even if you were once in charge of the economy . ’
24 Although the authorities are directly in charge of broadcasting , governments are not without considerable powers over broadcasting .
25 With Queipo de Llano in direct command of the Army of the South , Franco retained supreme control over the Nationalist forces , but was not directly in charge of how operations were handled on the ground .
26 He is still in charge of military operations in the same zone , centred on Kompong Thom province .
27 So long as I keep it up I am still in charge of my own destiny .
28 The break lasted twenty minutes ; but it was not a complete break for the horseman for he was still in charge of the horses ; and as they were not feeding they sometimes got restless , especially in the summer-time when the flies worried them and sometimes caused a horse to get his foot over a trace .
29 It was recently returned to the management of its owners , the National Trust for Scotland ; however , Historic Scotland is still in charge of conserving the Palace 's early 17th-century painted wooden ceilings .
30 ‘ But this Zen is still in charge of the case ? ’
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