Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as to say " in BNC.

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1 My last migraine of any consequence was over four months ago , but I would not be so brash as to say that I have been cured .
2 How can we be so arrogant as to say ‘ do as I do ? ’
3 To say that a dog eats because it wants to is as uninformative as to say that dinosaurs got larger because they had an inner drive to do so .
4 Fear of this confusion of values was still so real for the Reverend Alexander Cruden in the late eighteenth century that , not content with defining and illustrating the term from biblical texts , he added two paragraphs of solemn warning : Yet there is a cure , if men recognize divine omniscience : Cruden is echoing Christ 's words in Luke 's gospel , as Milton had done in Paradise Lost , after describing how Satan 's disguise deceived the archangel Uriel : Drawing on a pagan tradition , Montaigne passed a similar judgement on lying : ‘ To say that a man lieth , is as much as to say … that he is brave towards God , and a Coward towards Men . ’
5 Besides the particular passions or impulses directed at objects other than pleasure , a human being has ; more general desire that he should enjoy as much pleasure or happiness as possible , during his life as a whole , which is as much as to say , a desire that the totality of his impulse ; directed at objects other than his own pleasure should receive as much satisfaction as possible .
6 As much as to say , well if you need a lift home , just let me know .
7 He gave her a cynical look , as much as to say that he only half believed her .
8 So he said he did n't care where he went so as much as to say so I thought right then we 'll go to the Regal tonight .
9 The other thing that 's annoying about that is it then forces you into a completely useless small conversation such as : is that so-and-so ? and they say ‘ yes ’ , and you then feel like , they say ‘ yes ’ , as much as to say ‘ Well , why did n't you know that anyway ’ , and then you feel like saying , ‘ Well why did n't you say so ! ’ and you start off on the wrong foot .
10 I mean , I 'm not that rude as to say that 's for the payment of allowances , but some people may say that .
11 I mean , I 'm not that rude as to say that 's for the payment of allowances , but some people may say that .
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