Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] saying " in BNC.

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1 It was not until she noticed a bill on Todney 's desk , to be authorized by Stephen as complimentary , that she knew his half-brother had checked out of the hotel without so much as saying goodbye to her .
2 Or are they just greedy and saying well we 're doing quite well out of rent reduction , but if we , you know if we the landlords , we 're gon na get some more ?
3 We thought it more appropriate than saying , sponsored by so we put their arms .
4 This was not strictly true , but it was certainly more true than saying that he was gay .
5 I wish I 'd taken the money now ! finding I was pregnant scared me more than anything , because my sister Vanessa was also pregnant and saying to me , " I 'm pregnant — what am I going to do ? "
6 Two or three months after that he 's got a new product out they 're trying to keep it slightly quiet and saying that it 's not a world beater and sort of er go back to their more in innovative .
7 People live in the real world , their not really going to be influenced , its about as sensible as saying er a Mills and Boon novel for example tells people about love are saying M I five use from Russia with Love as a training manual its the same kind of level of
8 It is not as simple as saying an embryo has a value equal to one human life which it is entitled to cash in .
9 Yes , towards — we 're getting back towards our original man in the graveyard — yes , I mean I 'd like to say that you 're saying particularly to Reverend Flatman what should he or his parishioners be doing to help this man — it 's not as easy as saying that somebody individually should be offering him a room in their house because his problems are far more manifold and deep seated than that .
10 " That 's about as stupid as saying you became a nurse because you get a kick out of emptying bedpans .
11 First suggesting I was involved in some insurance fraud and then as good as saying Mom walked out on us !
12 That seemed , when she thought about it , almost as good as saying for ever .
13 A self-uglifying expression of humility — plus an elaborate show of stealthiness which is as good as saying ‘ Yes , I am late — and please pay attention to my performance of humbly not wishing to be paid attention to ’ , i.e. Here 's me entering as unostentatiously as I know how — so you can see how much I regret my rudeness ! ’
14 It it 's there for us to , to use as a , as a sore thumb exercise to ask questions but , but to actually do anything er , er as critical as saying , we 're gon na spend twelve thousand pounds next period and eleven thousand pound the period after and fourteen thousand the period after , er I do n't think that 's
15 This is even stronger than saying that the dynamics of the system determine the behaviour of the units , as causes determine their effects , because ‘ functional ’ presumably implies something about the purpose of the states ' behaviour in achieving equilibrium , thus going beyond mere causal determination .
16 that 's the perfect time and I had this sort of doubt in my mind erm then I was fortunate I learnt a co a very good scripted presentation for getting referred leads and once I started to actually ask , cos that 's all it comes down to , erm then I was getting three , four , in the end I was being quite clever and saying look if you just restrict them to three then I 'll give them the same good service I reckon I 've given you this service
17 And my my aunt that I my grandmother that I stayed with , their neighbour down the stair was quite indignant and saying , I 'm away to work and she 's getting twelve shillings the same .
18 And he said she was getting dead pathetic and saying , who finished with who ?
19 But what about when , I du n no i it in his speech he 's being very honest and saying well look we really need the support blah blah and the and then tries to put this er bit in about erm Marxist Leninism
20 In one of his books , David Jenkins speaks of a cartoon which shows God sitting on a cloud looking very cross and saying : ‘ You love one another or I 'll come down there and thump you . ’
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