Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to light " in BNC.

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1 Other important casting centres have since come to light in Nigeria and some hundreds of castings have been analysed .
2 Lord Taylor , the Lord Chief Justice , sitting with Mr Justice Judge and Mr Justice Hidden , said they could not be sure that the original trial jury would have reached the same verdict if it had heard evidence which had since come to light .
3 The new government pledged itself to deal with a range of serious environmental problems affecting the country , the extent of many of which had only come to light after the collapse of communist rule .
4 Part of the scandal only came to light when an eagle-eyed bank clerk spotted changes made to the bank destination information on an authorised cheque from Craven Grain .
5 The crimes only came to light in 1990 when one of Oldfield 's victims , then an adult , was himself charged with indecency to children .
6 This new evidence was held by the defence and only came to light during the trial .
7 Parts of the contents of the manual only came to light as a result of criminal trials following an incident at Orgreave during the strike , at which some of the techniques were implemented for the first time .
8 The spraying of the pesticide , Galecron , took place in 1976 , but only came to light during a recent Swiss TV programme .
9 ( Details only came to light in 1972 , when London Transport received a compulsory purchase order , in connection with a further rebuilding of the bridge . )
10 The offences only came to light because of an attempt to inflate profits at Alexander Howden , which was discovered by the American company Alexander and Alexander after it bought the company .
11 It only came to light today . ’
12 News of the car smuggling scandal only came to light when Col. Luis Catalino González Rojas , commander of the fourth infantry division , defied orders and leaked evidence of the affair to the press .
13 ‘ But , unfortunately , this undesirable side to your brother 's character only came to light after I 'd hired you .
14 The assault only came to light four days later , when he went to hospital for treatment .
15 Her case only came to light because the Health Authority meeting were mistakenly sent to the media .
16 The matter only came to light when police , conducting an inquiry into the running of children 's homes in North Wales , interviewed the boy last year .
17 The matter only came to light when police , conducting an inquiry into the running of children 's homes in North Continued on Page 5 Continued from Page 1 Wales , interviewed the boy last year .
18 Police were not informed and the matter only came to light last year during a police investigation into the running of children 's homes in North Wales .
19 No such act of measurement could change what those spins already were ; it could only bring to light a state of affairs which had existed from the moment of separation .
20 It literally came to light by accident when it fell out of a bag — it was God 's will , I suppose . ’
21 The risk of events occurring prior to the Balance Sheet Date but only coming to light after the Accounts have been signed off should be placed on the Vendor .
22 Again , the liability depends upon the money or property in question being received in the ordinary course of the receiving partner 's activities within the firm and not upon any authority vested in himsee Willett v Chambers ( 1778 ) Cowp 814 ( misapplication of moneys received from a client for investment on mortgage , the client being billed in the name of the firm ) , Rhodes v Moules [ 1895 ] 1 Ch 236 ( partner absconding with bearer share warrants proffered by client as collateral security for a mortgage loan , where the firm was in the habit of receiving such securities from its clients ) and Blair v Bromley ( 1847 ) 12 Ph 354 ( misapplication of money by a partner who paid interest on it to the client , the fraud only coming to light on the partner 's bankruptcy .
23 Very often the vagina and part of the uterus can be separated into two parts by a fibrous partition and this may only come to light after difficulty when intercourse first takes place , or sometimes at the onset of pregnancy .
24 There was one hope which Rosen kept to himself and which would only come to light when Kennedy responded .
25 Some of these effects were immediate ; others will only come to light in time , if at all .
26 For example , fraud and forgery usually only come to light when an organisation discovers the offender .
27 Fraud appears to have increased rather than decreased , and it can not be argued that this is merely a matter of greater success in detection , as many of the frauds only come to light when investors find that they are unable to obtain their funds ( or the directors of the institution are found to be in sunny climes abroad , with little intention of returning to the UK ) .
28 At the bottom , five sealed envelopes with smaller quantities of cocaine inside come to light .
29 The direction only applies to evidence which a party " intends to place reliance on " and so can not apply to new evidence which only comes to light after the time for serving statements has passed .
30 And given the extensive fear of denunciation for critical or defeatist comment , it is hardly surprising that negative remarks about the speeches rarely came to light .
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