Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] closer to " in BNC.

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1 Over the next few days Maggie slowly got closer to Ana de Santis .
2 Grant instinctively moved closer to the screen , sensing the excitement in Lawton .
3 Could it be that what he was feeling was a kind of envy , in the sense that he 'd brought her here , to a place that he felt he 'd made his own , and in a matter of weeks she 'd already grown closer to it than he could ever hope to be ?
4 Conversely the fewer the candidates , the fewer will be the eliminations and the transfers , and the stronger the probability that such votes as are transferred will stay with the party , which will thus come closer to deriving the maximum benefit from its potential support .
5 Exploitation of the Auckland coalfields entered a new era in 1825 with the Darlington–Stockton railway , soon extended closer to the sea at Middlesbrough , where a town arose with startling suddenness .
6 Why endeavour to demystify the ‘ subtext ’ of a lager commercial when that supposed subtext could scarcely lie closer to the surface and is being forced on one 's attention the way a card-sharper forces a card ?
7 If so , French bond yields will deservedly move closer to Germany 's .
8 Marie shoved the table aside to get closer to Gazzer .
9 He caused more suffering among his allow drivers than any other man I ever saw race and the only man who could possibly come closer to him as a road-hog , even when his own position was hopeless , was Riccardo Patrese , a far more refined driver than Clay in every other respect .
10 When abruptly he raised his head she shivered violently , instinctively moving closer to the source of the heat , her mouth lifting to his .
11 Higher value-added products will doubtless become more important but the business will also move closer to the consumer .
12 If she had not been implying that they , the comrades at No. 43 Old Mill Road , had unwittingly come closer to great events , then what did she mean ?
13 Because of their attachment to Judaism 's holy places , the religious parties have often seemed closer to the Greater Israel policy of the Likud than to Labour , with its belief in exchanging territorial concessions for peace .
14 Some people who have fewer external commitments ( single , unemployed , or self-employed individuals , for example ) might make less use of normal time-cues and their rhythms might even come closer to a 25-hour free-running period .
15 In many respects this releases the staff and pupils from the moral imperative and may well come closer to an authentic understanding of the pupil 's experience .
16 Nevertheless , the second surely comes closer to reflecting the realities and passions of the 1930s .
17 Stan then moved closer to Melanie , and a major fight erupted without further ado .
18 Hung Mien-lo shrugged , then moved closer to his T'ang , lowering his voice marginally .
19 Kragan signalled the officer to step back , then moved closer to Frick .
20 High-church men such as Gladstone and Wilberforce did indeed stick closer to the literal text of the Bible than their twentieth-century successors would ; they saw all its books as an inspired unit , ‘ Holy Scripture ’ .
21 You can then work closer to your real ability — twice or three times what you did before .
22 She brushed it away then huddled closer to the wall , hugging herself against the cold .
23 Then , as they turned a bend , Silas unexpectedly stepped closer to her side .
24 Spectators lining the route occasionally got closer to the action than they 'd anticipated .
25 Dr Francis Odling-Smee , a lecturer at Brunel University , Middlesex , said his father , when in his late 70s , told him he had never come closer to disobeying an order in his life .
26 His father told him he had never come closer to disobeying an order in his life , but he was finally persuaded to do so because it was pointed out to him that if the British Army did not send back the Cossacks , the Soviets would not send back British POWs .
27 The homeo domain is therefore located closer to the C terminus than in any other known POU protein .
28 The magnetopause is closest to Jupiter on the sunward side but never lies closer to Jupiter than about twice the distance of the orbit of the outermost Galilean satellite .
29 She moved back a step , after discovering that she 'd unknowingly moved closer to him than was socially acceptable .
30 While it has been suggested that the absence of a cadre of professional managers is a major explanation for this situation , the real reasons almost certainly lie closer to the psychology of the entrepreneurs themselves .
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