Example sentences of "[adv] [art] lot of " in BNC.

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1 Poverty was merely the lot of the indigent .
2 We did get them better a lot of them at any rate .
3 Gosh , suddenly a lot of traffic .
4 Apparently a lot of callers who are innovative in the pants are unable to spell LEVIS ( as in 1–800–24-LEVIS ) .
5 Apparently a lot of people were outraged , and the switchboard jammed , but as one critic pointed out , it would have been more extraordinary if he had behaved like a bank manager .
6 In the end I got moved into a single cell : apparently a lot of this girl 's stuff went missing and she practically accused me .
7 There 's a , apparently a lot of it has been affected by Georgia 's not that far away is it ?
8 Apparently a lot of ammunition was buried around airfields after the Second World War .
9 This is the first time I 've ever had a show and if you look at my show they 're basically a lot of single images .
10 We can actually er use various actual computer equipment er open systems er recently new development as well which basically a lot of companies have been inputting their share resources to develop this area .
11 I have seen away supporters being chased up the road into Pleck Park and but erm I think basically a lot of the trouble used to be caused by drink and now they do n't have any drink in the ground they er they , they seem to have cracked that one .
12 I used a lot of vintage instruments on this record , especially a lot of old Strats .
13 Naturally a lot of people are scared witless of getting on Microsoft 's blacklist and will only cooperate under subpoena rather than appear to be volunteering information .
14 DNA is not a double helix , merely a lot of atoms the centres of which lie on imagined helices .
15 That it 's actually trying to enforce a pattern of family life that perhaps a lot of people do n't want ?
16 So perhaps a lot of the times but I would have maybe suggested that , that we could have done and presented that as part of the package .
17 Just very briefly Mel I suspect perhaps a lot of women would stand if conditions in parliament were more
18 Obviously a lot of thought has gone into the plan .
19 Obviously a lot of people are travelling too fast , ’ a spokesman said .
20 Obviously a lot of this racism has seeped down from the top ; for example the police are part of a racist legal system so you 've got to expect them to hold those views .
21 T er erm moving onto erm the area of erm , the fact that obviously a lot of people round here have got very limited incomes .
22 So there was obviously a lot of debate around , you know , Is it going to happen ? and if it does happen , well it 'll clearly happen in .
23 We have n't got er I mean obviously a lot of the staff that are on these temporary contracts are from the adult team .
24 ( Fairly long silence — obviously a lot of head shaking was going on . )
25 W w where they w w once when they 'd been installed or was it thought that it a mistake had been made in obviously a lot of cash had been spent on them but erm , was it considered a mis a waste of money or ?
26 I mean there were obviously a lot of things I could criticize .
27 Well done Joy erm a nice summary of a complex book and er there 's obviously a lot of things that will have to go of the erm lecture on it next week , so really this is not due to be talked about .
28 The national companies such as Mexico and Venezuela are still re-organizing themselves and obviously a lot of time , effort and nervous energy is being spent by people on figuring out what to do in the C I S , where there are obviously great opportunities , but great risks as well .
29 ‘ There were obviously a lot of people there when it took place .
30 They were n't terribly popular , I do n't think , because of course , the women were used to a personalized fit , and when you get , start getting mass production like that , then obviously a lot of the very good fitting garments that , I mean that 's just not possible .
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