Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] terms [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It therefore seems most appropriate to treat them as cases of underlexicalisation , together with terms like " log " or " picture " discussed above .
2 He encouraged an honest , very personal response to things seen and all this , long before terms like " childcentred " and " experiential learning " became fashionable .
3 ‘ We can scarcely do any better in terms of results we 're winning regularly , we 're second in the League , still in the Cup … but given what 's happening off the pitch , it 's a bloody miracle we 're not bottom . ’
4 Appropriate materials and activities can help some pupils to function better in terms of visual competence .
5 It will not be perfect , it will not be what I should like , but it will be better than what is before us — better in terms of our particular problem — and I hope that it will deal entirely with the discrimination .
6 The buyer says , tapping a file with his finger , ‘ You 'll have to do much better in terms of price .
7 Similarly , it can be described phonologically in terms of a set of sub-scales , in which the potential for lowering and backing will vary in degree for different subsets .
8 Make comparisons , where appropriate , between different works , eg in terms of theme or characterisation or style .
9 Make comparisons , where appropriate , between different works , eg in terms of theme or characterisation or style .
10 be of a high quality , eg in terms of accuracy and cross-references
11 Alternatively , there could be a strong corporate role , giving the staff concerned the right to direct key functional aspects of marketing in the divisions , eg in terms of product-design , corporate image , and marketing control information systems .
12 This will be discussed below in terms of the interaction between the focusing and inference components of a system .
13 Such explanations may be made vari-ously in terms of micro/macro processes , centre/periphery or dependency theory .
14 In the United States the theory that evolved was based on ‘ pitch phonemes ’ ( Wells , 1945 ; Pike , 1945 ) : four contrastive pitch levels were established and intonation was described basically in terms of a series of movements from one of these levels to another .
15 As already in the UK , it will render unlawful ( although not necessarily in terms of criminal law : the penalties may only be civil but must be sufficiently dissuasive ) the misuse or improper disclosure of unpublished price-sensitive information , either by insiders or by those who obtain the information from them .
16 Not necessarily in terms of the way the job is done , but in the cost banks really are expensive if you 're minded to use a bank they do publish their tariff , they say they give them out to people , I suspect that it gets forgotten sometimes the principle is there the is n't .
17 Very little work has been done in this field but there has been sufficient to reveal that the refinement of economic theory ( especially in terms of mathematical sophistication ) is akin to fashioning scalpels to cut through jungle when it comes to the real world of policy-making [ Graham , 1975 ] .
18 Finally , the abandonment of desert in favour of individual diagnosis and treatment justified treating people with the same offence and record entirely differently , leaving it wide open to bias — especially in terms of social class .
19 Of course , most of them thrive on it , but many people are beginning to wonder if the rewards for having power , and being able to influence others , are worth the costs , especially in terms of family relationships .
20 They have no illusions about the difficult choices that lie ahead , especially in terms of the distribution of the gains throughout the civil society .
21 This means that despite the precise route being available to only one of the interlocutors , the shared knowledge and context , especially in terms of the goal to be achieved , allows the sort of negotiation that takes place in everyday communication .
22 It was stressed that full time staff were needed for old people , especially in terms of building up a relationship with the old people which would mean that the help would be more efficient and effective .
23 By the time of the Report such social exploration and documentation had become firmly linked to public policy and administration , especially in terms of a " structure of feeling " which Raymond Williams has identified as " social conscience "
24 It 's a star when it comes to automating frequent tasks and it 's very good at queries and reports , especially in terms of the tools it provides for non-technical users .
25 A role is concerned with how a person carries out his job , especially in terms of his own and others ' expectations of the job .
26 The closeness of consumer and producer has made it easier for the Registry to expect and to receive from the Computer Centre a computing service of commercial standards , especially in terms of quality and meeting deadlines .
27 ‘ While it may be possible to derive a satisfactory methodological basis for climatic geomorphology … one must conclude that , as at present formulated , much of climatic geomorphology is ( a ) not new , being implicit in Davis 's own work ; ( b ) not well-established , especially in terms of the climatic control of process ; and ( c ) premature , in setting up generalized world-wide schemes , both of present climatic-morphologic regions , and of climatic-morphologic changes in the Pleistocene and earlier , before sound factual bases exist'
28 Without the inclusion of creative activities , education does not achieve those objectives which those with rather narrow views claim for it , especially in terms of personal development .
29 From 1771 onwards a series of codes for different provinces , beginning with Silesia , had set for the first time clear official limits to what the lords could demand of their peasants , especially in terms of labour-services .
30 Britain performed particularly badly in the 1970s immediately after she joined the Common Market , especially in terms of growth in output and of her annual average rate of inflation .
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