Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] some cases " in BNC.

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1 " The level of abstraction and consumption has increased over the last century by hundreds of times , and perhaps in some cases by thousands .
2 It is as though these translators were each construing the poem by supplying a vocabulary reflecting a personal perception of the poet 's intention — or perhaps in some cases caught from other translators .
3 It we further remark the way sexual difference is oft en presented within psychoanalysis as unavoidable and ineluctably fraught with pain , so much so in some cases that it warrants description as a tragic ontology , it becomes tempting to dismiss it as an expression of existential Angst suitably dressed in pretentious intellectual rigour and elegant abstraction , and , as such ( some might add ) , the epitome of psychoanalysis itself .
4 Most of these fields are already well populated , excessively so in some cases , and our late entry would be unlikely to make a substantial impact .
5 So in some cases a compromise must be made , although this should not substantially alter the overall effect of formality .
6 But in much of this work there is a tendency to imply that the Japanese system is flexible and responsive enough to correct the negative features , although the response may take longer in some cases than others .
7 So it helps first of all when you 're setting up the spreadsheet I suppose you can create one formula then copy it instead of having to edit each one individually , erm but later on you might accidentally or maybe deliberately in some cases overtype a cell and er if you have to put it back again and what you probably do is copy it from the adjacent cell and then you have to study the formula to try and understand it , and then edit it if it was n't the copyable formula and , er it may take a little time to edit it but it could take you a lot longer to understand it .
8 There is now a considerable market value attaching to an accurate up-to-date and selective address list , and some of the largest collections of data in the private sector , running to thirty million entries or more in some cases , are amassed in this way .
9 The duration of the early FDRs was sometimes very long — as much as 200 flying hours and more in some cases — so it was possible to check back over many flights how the aircraft had behaved .
10 And as we brought out first thing this morning , communication within the group , that is across the functions , and also in some cases within the functions , is poor .
11 Only valence shell MOs that are occupied by at least one electron can be studied by photoelectron spectroscopy ( PES ) , but for these we can deduce the binding energy and also in some cases the bonding or anti-bonding character of the orbital .
12 Major demonstrations , not only outside the council offices where the charges were being debated and fixed but also in some cases involving violence within the council chambers themselves , occurred in particular over the period March 5-12 as councils took their final decisions .
13 Women did not qualify for a ‘ family wage ’ since it was assumed ( erroneously in some cases ) that they lived at home with parents or relatives and that they did not have dependants to support financially .
14 Clearly in some cases the parents expect to lavish care upon a poor , neglected child who will respond with gratitude and affection .
15 Supposing you have taken part in an evaluation exercise and some conclusions have been mutually agreed , do you find that on the whole people are prepared to change their habits presumably in some cases habits built up over many years ?
16 A statement issued by the London Society for Antique Dealers also criticised the move and quoted the figure of 25% , missing or ignoring the fact that seller 's commission is extremely flexible , to the point of being cut out altogether in some cases , hence the reason for imposing the new rate on the buyer 's premium , which is non-negotiable .
17 Although this former psychiatric ward sister can appear world weary , cynicism dropping from every pore , there is a tongue in cheek panache that produces a double reaction as the barbs strike home ; the ‘ oof ’ gut jerk followed immediately in some cases by a form of enlightenment .
18 ‘ English ’ prayers were seen by these Asian children ( mainly Sikhs and Hindus ) as innocuous , even in some cases enjoyable , but not of any emotional significance .
19 Even in some cases where two or three of the Evangelists record the same event , their accounts differ considerably ( for example , the resurrection narratives ) .
20 These understandable human reactions have to be channelled against the waffler , and the apple polisher : the man or woman who by verbal skills seeks to evade taking a position , or even in some cases actually saying anything at all .
21 Certain of them took issue with us on one or another specific point , but most found our general thesis plausible , even in some cases probable , and in no way diminishing the stature of Jesus or the Christian faith .
22 Second , in many communities where it was treasured at the most sophisticated level it was an exotic , even in some cases a mysterious substance , only to be secured from a distance .
23 These constraints continue to contribute to his dependence upon agriculture , and even in some cases upon an individual farmer , for employment .
24 In the case of discipline , there was a heavy reliance upon the ‘ rules ’ to control manual workers ; for staff there was personal consideration , even in some cases counselling and guidance .
25 Well in some cases , in some cases it is , I 'm not saying every time but
26 This cobbled route is still a joy to follow ; the top half of it , as it curves down to the church and the river , lined with sober houses built from the local cocoa-coloured stone and dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries — datable precisely in some cases from the inscribed lintel stones ; then the church , seventeenth-century and disappointingly dull ; the old bridge over the Nive , which is the place to look up — and downstream , at the houses built along the banks with their projecting wooden galleries ; and then on towards the Porte d'Espagne , past the shops and more very decent old houses .
27 Unfortunately in some cases there will either be only two connectors or there wo n't be sufficient space on the cable to accommodate the drives in their bays .
28 They sowed exotic grasses for their animals , built up the herds during the good years , when it rained , but then ( at least in some cases ) found that the grass was overgrazed in the drought years , when it failed to grow .
29 There seems no reason not to allow that monetary compensation may , at least in some cases , be a suitable remedy in public law .
30 Gloucester 's lordship was thus , at least in some cases , attractive enough to displace that of the crown .
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