Example sentences of "[pers pn] kept up [art] " in BNC.

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1 I kept up a close correspondence with my parents , partly because I knew that they missed me , and partly from natural inclination and affection .
2 As we staggered up the path like a couple of drunks , I kept up a desperate , bright flow of conversation , to mask the slowness of our steps .
3 ‘ I was personally told he was not concerned about my past so long as I kept up a volume of business , ’ he said .
4 And all the time I kept up the visualization .
5 So I kept up the act , I opened the door and said his name in a quiet voice and hobbled weakly across the cellar and up the steps .
6 ‘ So — I kept up the pretence of believing you were using drugs , hoping you 'd accept having me around all the time in a bid to prove your own innocence . ’
7 ‘ That 's the only reason you kept up the pretence ? ’
8 She kept up a running commentary as she chased him 50 yards across Lawrence Road before collapsing in a pool of blood .
9 She looked like a little black chattering chimney pot , for as the smoke rose up through her veils she kept up a constant conversation .
10 She kept up a flow of nervous chatter from the kitchen while she brewed up two cups of instant coffee .
11 ‘ Course , in time she came to know her mother 's death was n't an ordinary drowning accident , but she kept up the pretence .
12 She kept up the desperate battle until another ambulance reached them near Hexham , Northumberland .
13 She kept up the palazzo for twenty years — two decades .
14 We knew Malcolm had been really impressed with Hell in New York because they kept up a correspondence .
15 They kept up a twenty-four-hour vigil outside Coleherne Court , and plagued her at the kindergarten .
16 All the way out to Keller 's house they kept up a ceaseless flow of questions about the Channings and the bruises on my head .
17 Thistle made sure they kept up the pressure on Alex Totten 's men by defeating Falkirk at Fir Hill , with Alan Dinnie scoring the winner .
18 With Simon Smith newly-installed on the drum stool , they kept up the relentless touring pace in 1988 and found themselves playing sizeable venues like London 's Town And Country Club .
19 Sometimes the skilled were actually a species of sub-contractor , paid by output , who hired their unskilled assistants at a flat time-wage and saw to it that they kept up the pace .
20 Yesterday 's annual results showed that it kept up the good work in 1991 .
21 He kept up a non-stop stream of words against the patter of the raindrops beating against the skylight , to Modigliani 's silent exasperation .
22 He kept up a routine of a sort , but as , from a mixture of laziness and disapproval of political scribblers like Lloyd George and Churchill , he never wrote anything , and increasingly preferred sniffing old books to reading new ones , there was not much purpose to his life .
23 He stood up on his chair all the way through lunch , with the gravy running down his great red face on to his bib and flying off the spoon he was waving on to other people 's clothes ; and in his loud , pharyngitic voice he kept up a perpetual background noise of questions and comments .
24 Resigning herself to the inevitable , she walked quietly alongside him as he kept up a running commentary on all they passed or saw .
25 As he stood there , waving them past like a cop directing traffic , he kept up a steady monologue of encouragement .
26 Ivy had her hands full with the driving , and although Zen soon gave up trying to follow their route on the maps he had brought with him , which proved to bear only a partial and rather disturbing resemblance to the landscape , like a mild hallucination , he kept up a show of poring over them to try and assuage his guilt at being a mere passenger , unable to share her burden .
27 He kept up the pressure with his shoulder to give himself the widest gap possible .
28 He kept up an unrelenting gentle moral pressure on his authors or collaborators , and as a commentator , like Tolkien he selflessly put much of himself into the work of others .
29 While practising at the Chancery bar , he kept up an interest in Liverpool through Dr James Currie [ q.v. ] , whose circle included many local liberals like William Roscoe [ q.v. ] , as well as rising Whig politicians such as ( Sir ) Samuel Romilly [ q.v. ] and James Scarlett ( later first Baron Abinger , q.v . ) .
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