Example sentences of "[pers pn] difficult [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I knew all about calories , but I really enjoyed food and found it difficult to lost weight !
2 The user finds it difficult to narrow down his or her search .
3 It is possible that you might find it difficult at first to make time for exercise .
4 She says , ‘ I found it difficult at first having to relinquish the coaching responsibilities , but it was great working with Rob .
5 Celia hoped they were still loyal enough to be decently enthusiastic , even if they found it difficult at first to appreciate the new subtlety of Yorick 's music .
6 Julius needs to maintain a certain lifestyle , and you might find it difficult at first to cope with the demands he 'll make on you . ’
7 As a mature student I found it difficult at first to work on my own or in groups but now that the course is settling down , I feel that I will be able to tackle most tasks in business because we have had to learn to look for information and assimilate it so that we make it work for us .
8 As the Nehru Cup showed , making each team play the others once each makes it difficult for one side to win most of their matches .
9 This magnet effect not only puts pressure on the south east but makes it difficult for other regions to attract the type of investment necessary for their own economic revival .
10 The political leadership of the majority party and therefore the party in government and occupying ministerial office might find it politically expedient to preserve the rules and conventions which make it difficult for other politicians to call the bureaucracy to account .
11 Neither names are registered as a trade mark ; in fact the names would be refused registration because they are too descriptive of computer retailing generally and would make it difficult for other traders to describe their business activities .
12 That could cause difficulties and if such an inhibition operated which did not apply to other bus companies it could make it difficult for management-employee buy-out teams to raise funds .
13 The abstract quality of symbols such as the Swastika renders it difficult for cerebral intelligence to grasp the full concept and implications of their purpose , which is to awaken the more subliminal centres relating to feelings and intuitive responses .
14 The production of software should be depersonalised in the specific sense that the management system makes it difficult for individual producers to regard items of software as their own .
15 We seem to have a breed of unadventurous promoters who can only offer us the likes of Grooverider and Carl Cox , making it difficult for talented newcomers to get the break they deserve .
16 The institutions which had previously been set up to aid small farmers had their lending capacity cut considerably , making it difficult for many of the beneficiaries to find sufficient capital .
17 Their growth is partly a response to the falling numbers of secondary pupils , which has made it difficult for many smaller schools to make up viable sixth form classes in less-popular A level subjects .
18 It made no reference to the possibility that schools for the less able might depress expectations and discourage the pupils in them , or make it difficult for such schools to attract an adequate share of available resources .
19 This is a small-scale or unofficial credit union where people group together to help each other with major purchases , though we heard that the current rate of inflation has made it difficult for such groups to attract support .
20 It then , in October , expressed its concern that a high proportion of courses in subjects other than business studies were being turned down , and it suggested that one of the reasons making it difficult for such courses to be approved might be that ‘ the Council 's present structure of honours and ordinary degrees was not so appropriate for courses in those fields ’ as in science and technology .
21 To a large extent technology has eroded much of MI6 's original style of work while modern communications make it difficult for political decisions to remain secret for very long even behind the Iron Curtain .
22 The banning of one-party committees or sub-committees makes it difficult for political groups to develop policy with the benefit of officer advice .
23 The nature of public enterprise objectives makes it difficult for political authorities to evaluate and control the activities of the enterprises .
24 As an important by-product it will also make it difficult for prospective bidders to build up stakes in secret .
25 Constant changes in accounting criteria , for example in the allocation of items between operating and investment accounts , made it difficult for external controllers to calculate the true size of the deficit .
26 I am afraid that the circumstances of the case — two people who were extremely drunk and who have a very hazy understanding of what went on — make it difficult for any charge to have any validity .
27 Thus Deacon has shown how ‘ the genuinely seeking work test ’ was manipulated in the 1920s to make it difficult for unemployed people to establish their claim to benefit .
28 Ironically , their improvement , coupled with their highly superior resources , is making it difficult for smaller , less well funded schemes to survive .
29 This makes it difficult for foreign firms to sell TVs in France .
30 In a comprehensive introduction to No Breathing Room , David R. Marples not only gives some hard facts about the Chernobyl disaster ; he also indicates that the impoverishment of most of the population as a result of soaring inflation caused by ‘ shock therapy ’ economic policies , and the removal of subsidies to the publishing trade , made it difficult for high-quality literary magazines to cope , despite the so-called freedom of the press .
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