Example sentences of "[pers pn] clear [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Slowly , ’ he warned and backed the tiny storm jib , making the sheet fast so that the breeze would hold them clear of the Baglietto 's stern .
2 The wind was already driving them clear of the shore as he raised the sails .
3 The mast quivered and bowed as Trent dived for the main and jib sheets , whipping them clear of the cam cleats .
4 He urged Vincent to clean them up , get them clear of the earth they stood on .
5 She stole the time to brush them clear with the side of her hand then slipped back inside , hoping no-one would notice her .
6 Victory for the Cherry and Whites could take them clear at the top of the Courage League , if Orrell and Leicester come unstuck .
7 A hundred feet would see me clear of the danger zone , and this distance I covered foot by foot , walking sideways with my face to the rocks and the rifle to my shoulder ; a strange mode of progress , had there been any to see it .
8 Moodie said afterwards : ‘ I was determined to get a good start which would take me clear of the pack .
9 Are you clear about the topic that is under discussion ?
10 Are you clear on the telephone ?
11 Pitman yanked him back on to a true line and managed to steer him clear of the rails , but the two hundred yards he had left to run seemed like two hundred miles , and Red Rum was now only five lengths back .
12 Identifying the full cost of courses makes it clear to the voter where the funding gap is .
13 On entering No. 10 in May 1979 , Mrs Thatcher made it clear to the Whitehall machine that she was not a Cabinet-committee person .
14 The accountants had made it clear to the Committee that they did not accept the findings of the DTI reports ( which formed the basis for the inquiry ) , and that documents they would need to deal further with the matter were no longer available .
15 He added that he had made it clear to the IoT that the Faculty would be willing to explore co-operation over exams , but the IoT was not interested .
16 ‘ DAS made it clear to the shop that they were n't going to be messed around , ’ explains Lawrence .
17 The purpose of the technique should be made very clear to parents so that they can also make it clear to the child what they are doing and why they are doing it .
18 He then made it clear to the FA that he was unhappy with Parker 's handling of the game .
19 ‘ As for the County Council 's wish for the WHR freehold , we believe the course suggested by the High Court for the Ffestiniog Trust to seek the Amending Order is the best safeguard for the future of the WHR , and we have made it clear to the Council that we would respect their wishes concerning footpaths , cycle tracks and so on . ’
20 Make it clear to the adventurers that this creature is truly savage .
21 You need to make it clear to the recipient what it is you want of them .
22 He did not accomplish much , beyond making it clear to the owners that , in return for their agreement to a national minimum , he would abandon Samuel and give them the eight-hour day ; but he was thought to have acquitted himself well .
23 A good spelling game is one that stresses visual patterns and makes it clear to the players that there are predictable patterns which they can anticipate .
24 Altho , although if one is eventually going to talk about the report one could to make it clear to the parents that what one is a subject report and the other is a summate report .
25 She had made it clear to the woman that she had strong Nazi sympathies , and often attempted to talk about the war in the desert , but to no avail .
26 Once again , we are making it clear to the Minister and putting it firmly on record that , in its present form , the Bill does nothing to make it likely that the Government 's words , which have been employed to make the Bill more politically acceptable in Scotland , will be translated into reality .
27 We should have made it clear to the Media Action team not to refer callers to named staff .
28 Has the British embassy in Germany made it clear to the German authorities how deeply shocking and despicable have been the racist attacks by Nazi thugs there ?
29 I have made it clear to the right hon. Gentleman and to the House that we believe that the Union between the United Kingdom and Scotland is important .
30 Will he now seek the urgent help of the President of the United States in making it clear to the new Government in Turkey that the west expects a positive and constructive contribution to the United Nations peace process from now on ?
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