Example sentences of "[pers pn] mean go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I may as well begin as I mean to go on , ma'am .
2 It sounded good Mick , I mean it 's your first year and I was n't gon na come up here , but I thought I might as well start as I mean to go on .
3 An' I mean to go through with it , we both mean to go through with it .
4 Um I know er at the in the clinic and all that kind of thing , I mean goes on about these people quite a bit .
5 I mean goes down , he 's goes Ahhh !
6 Well that 's what I that 's what I mean go down down Shallard 's Road here down
7 I mean going round selling stuff and that sort of thing , they 're asking them , they 're doing a man 's job
8 Erm which is points up a weakness there on the public relations side there I mean going back to their post share repurchase they said that they 'd got no new products in the pipeline , no research and development really sort of throwing anything up in the near future .
9 Oh they do , yes they do like I mean going back forty seven round there well perhaps you know , forty six were n't it ?
10 But when it rained , going down I mean going down it rained so much I thought we 'd never , never even going to get there .
11 That was basically spite , of course , but you always start as you mean to go on .
12 No , no , no , no , no , he said , it 's got to be the real thing , you 've got to start out as you mean to go on Get it right from the beginning .
13 It is important that you start as you mean to go on and the horse must understand what is expected of him .
14 You need to begin as you mean to go on .
15 As I said , just begin as you mean to go on .
16 While you can get away with using small aquaria to breed these fish in , provided all other parameters are correct , problems will soon occur and so it is always good practice to start out as you mean to go on .
17 Always you must begin as you mean to go on .
18 ‘ Start as you mean to go on . ’
19 You mean to go on , do you ? ’
20 you mean to go on Derek !
21 You mean to go back there after them ? ’ he questioned , glittering .
22 You mean go back on them , cos we did n't finish them cos there was three pallets and we did n't even do two .
23 ‘ How long 's she mean to go on ? ’
24 Start the way we mean to go on … ’
25 On income tax — ‘ That is the way we mean to go on , taking more and more taxpayers out of the 25p tax by widening the band .
26 Start life as we mean to go on , we 'll go home . ’
27 Right now we better start you off how we mean to go on James , with er a sp a special sticker .
28 I was to perform two of Joyce 's pieces , the first being ‘ Committee ’ , a deadly accurate re-creation of a Northern Ladies Choral Committee meeting convened to axe one of its founder members : ‘ Now , we do n't want any unpleasantness , friendly is what we are and friendly is how we mean to go on … but I think we all know there is one voice in the altos that did not ought to be there .
29 So I says to Pete , right , start as we mean to go on , I refuse to pay any more than the cleanup rate .
30 What I did n't want to do at times was to overload , I wanted to start off with a time limit as we mean to go on and spread it out through the year and so I have put the important things which are to do with the quality system like internal quality audit erm , non- conformances , the corrective action , training and all stuff like that with an audit before and then things like contract print erm , I do n't think we are going to have any problems with I put those for after .
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