Example sentences of "[pers pn] speak [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Never did I speak for the truth 's sake but for my own … ‘
2 Caller : May I speak to the manager ?
3 May I speak to the Commander , please ? ’
4 and I says , Good afternoon could I speak to the person that does advertising etcetera , and I get through to that particular person , and I said , How would you like to save money by us printing all your portfolios free of charge high quality er portfolios it would n't cost you a penny .
5 So anyway , I went through and I said to could I speak to the manager ?
6 I am sure that Opposition Members will be delighted to hear me speak about the free market because they were in some doubt about whether it would be possible for Conservative Members to mention that .
7 The elderly woman opened it , but she must have thought I was a thief or a beggar , because she refused to let me speak to the young ladies .
8 But since , so jump upon this bloody question , you from the Polack wars , and you from England , are here arrived , give order that these bodies high on a stage be placed to the view ; and let me speak to the yet unknowing world how these things came about : so shall you hear of carnal , bloody and unnatural acts , of accidental judgments , casual slaughters , of deaths put on by cunning and forced cause , and , in this upshot , purposes mistook fallen on the inventors ' heads : all this can I truly deliver .
9 Can you speak with a Jewish accent ?
10 If they ca n't help you speak to the feed companies themselves , and if they can not give you the information you want do n't buy their feed , its as simple as that !
11 Why do n't you speak to the mothers of those babies ?
12 And he offers a telling counter-example : ‘ Because a work of art or some ancient monument is protected by law from injury , do we speak of the ‘ rights ’ of pictures or stones ? ’ ( 1976 : 182 ) .
13 Probably does nt even let him speak to the staff there .
14 Once I heard him speak at a church service in Morton , and although he was an excellent speaker , there was a certain bitterness and disappointment in his words .
15 Lady Dawkins , who had never heard him speak before , surprised herself by her reaction when she heard him speak at the Albert Hall in January 1912 :
16 Mind you , he shits himself does n't he , cos Johnny Giles was it 's controversial cos they would n't let him speak at the end of the game .
17 Did he speak of a recent row or of serious friction with anyone ? ’
18 He makes a great deal , as we have seen , of the gift of the Holy Spirit to Jesus : but only once in the ministry does he speak of the disciples having the Spirit .
19 But enough talk of farewells and reunions — let us speak of the present . ’
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