Example sentences of "[pers pn] stared up at " in BNC.

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1 As I stared up at the clear sky from the bottom of the trench , my mind drifted back to Achnacarry and Fiona .
2 I stared up at the grey sky and the black ravens which circled above the battlements like the souls of men condemned to wander the earth forever .
3 Tonight she was smiling as she stared up at the screen , and Buddie had given her money .
4 She stared up at Maggie , eyes glistening with tears .
5 She stared up at them , bitterness and pain welling within her .
6 She stared up at the rigging that fretted against a sky of pearl .
7 After the second time she stared up at him , her eyes wide .
8 She stared up at Carrie , slapping her forehead with the palm of her hand .
9 Her legs splayed inelegantly and with her mouth wide and dry with fear , she stared up at the stranger .
10 She stared up at him , touched to tears by his thoughtfulness , he had come into her life such a short time ago and yet he had been so good to her , so strong and kind .
11 Emily 's throat was dry as she stared up at her cousin .
12 Blankly she stared up at him .
13 She stared up at the granite-harsh features , trembling as much from the insidious effect of his hands on her back , pressing her against the male strength of his body , as from her growing anger at his arrogant , hurtful lack of confidence in her …
14 She stared up at his broad face .
15 She stared up at him in astonishment .
16 Yelping in alarm as he tipped her sideways and moved swiftly to trap her beneath him on the sofa , she stared up at him in shock .
17 He came closer , his hands curving around her arms , and she stared up at him , her eyes wide with uncertainty .
18 As they walked over the little grey bridges that spanned the canals , as she stared up at tall Dutch gables or floodlit towers , Luke told her a little of the history of the city .
19 For a moment she stared up at him , her fists clenched at her sides , her grey eyes filled with a crystalline chill totally at variance with the molten rage that consumed her .
20 She wrenched her face away from his , her breathing fast and shallow as she stared up at him , her pupils still dilated from the passion he 'd stirred in her .
21 For a moment she stared up at him through glistening eyes , soothed by his hands and the deep sound of his voice .
22 It was dark when they got outside , and , walking silently beside him , she stared up at the stars , and gave an unconscious little sigh .
23 Her eyes were enormous as she stared up at him .
24 She stared up at him .
25 As she stared up at the height a voice spoke from behind her , and she turned to discover that Silas Wilder had followed her down the track .
26 She stood still on the track , and , as she stared up at him , the shaft of moonlight slanting across her , her face betrayed surprise as she exclaimed , ‘ Silas — you amaze me .
27 She held out a piece of black cardboard with a silver star stuck on it , and when her mother made no effort to take it from her or exclaim her delight and approbation , she stared up at her and then said , ‘ Mammy ? ’
28 She stared up at him in puzzlement and when she blinked , he suddenly drew her to him as though she were a beloved doll .
29 When he let her go she stared up at him with anguish in her eyes and heard him swear roughly , viciously .
30 Her eyelids slowly fluttering open , Laura trembled as she stared up at his grave face , his expression now troubled and curiously stern .
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