Example sentences of "[pers pn] is the only " in BNC.

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1 His is the only post-war body of symphonic and chamber music to achieve genuine popularity .
2 His is the only war grave in the churchyard adjoining the 11th century church at Colleville-sur-Mer .
3 Out of all the many hundreds of 16th- and 17th-century wills that I have studied , his is the only one to include a reference to its writer 's age : its intimation that on 15 November 1622 he was in his 80th year allows 1992 or 1993 to be marked as the 450th anniversary of his birth .
4 Let me remind the cynics opposite that yours is the only Group on this Council which has voted against our proposals on disability .
5 I saw my first reed bunting 's nest in 1964 in the marsh between the lochs of Spiggie and Brow , and now in the space of twenty-five years they have successfully colonised the islands , and theirs is the only bunting song that today 's Shetland children will know …
6 It has always bred sturdy , original thinkers ; theirs is the only country to have declared bankruptcy , in the depths of the Great Depression .
7 ‘ Why do Americans always think theirs is the only country that 's part of the modern world ? ’
8 Just be prepared for Connemara enthusiasts to tell you that theirs is the only breed worth bothering about , Welsh Cob experts too insist that nothing compares with a good Section D and Highland/Fell/Dales etc exhibitors feel exactly the same !
9 She is the only decent character among the money-grabbers and hangers-on surrounding the Rake .
10 ‘ Does n't the Prime Minister realise that she is the only person in this whole shameful episode that ca n't make the excuse that I was only obeying orders , because she was the person giving the orders — and the orders are tyrannical . ’
11 Outgoing and engaging , she is the only girl in a household of brothers and confessed to being the pet of the family .
12 Teachers should be active when in the shop and approach the learners ; sometimes the learner holds back because she feels she is the only one with difficulties .
13 Because of this , and because she , too , was rebellious , she is the only one of Minuchin 's patients with whom I can identify .
14 ‘ Of all the riverfolk I 've met , she is the only one who was ever nice to me . ’
15 Jaguar 's appearance and condition belie her age and we believe she is the only Swan 65 sloop in the market .
16 She is the only woman in the world for me .
17 Elspeth Barker ( Independent on Sunday ) did not agree : ‘ Those who know Angela Carter 's work will need no encouragement to read these stories ( she is the only late 20th-century writer I know who can use an exclamation mark and get away with it ) ; for others they offer a joyous introduction . ’
18 She is the only daughter of Dierdriu , and the rightful High Queen of Ireland . ’
19 She is the only female character allowed into the fortress den and as the story develops she is shown to be both sensitive and sensible .
20 For example , when Audrey has previously been described as ‘ a strapping lass ’ … who ‘ fought boys … ’ ‘ led her own gang ’ … was ‘ as good climbing trees and drainpipes as any boy ’ , why is it that she is the only one to reach the fortress ‘ limping and sobbing ’ ?
21 She is the only pop star of any sex who has been shrewd enough to re-invent herself successfully at 18- months interval since David Bowie in the Seventies .
22 Only her light appears on ‘ the tossing hills ’ and she is the only important figure streaking through the night air .
23 ‘ But she is the only one , are n't you ?
24 The teacher always has to operate within a number of constraints such as agreed syllabuses , governors ' wishes , heads of department , parental pressures , and so on , which mean that he or she is the only person who is competent to decide on content and method .
25 In fact , in the mature Italian dried pasta market it is the only sector showing a substantial increase . ’
26 You do not need to be on income support to get a crisis loan but you must be able to show that it is the only means of preventing serious risk to you or your partner 's health and safety .
27 ‘ We are unilateralist because it is the only sane , only moral and only effective thing to be .
28 It is the only true yardstick for comparing different mortgages .
29 It is the only way to give both people and the countryside a breathing space .
30 It is the only energy available in the quantity we need that does n't damage our atmosphere .
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