Example sentences of "[pers pn] the [adj] side " in BNC.

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1 One day Tom came to see me and poured out a story which told me the other side of his ambitious , over-achieving self .
2 One comes from perhaps the pharmaceutical and the medical profession side , and it seems to me the other side is really the public side .
3 He took out two large plastic orange cones — the sort you get on motorway hold-ups — and gave them to me , telling me to put them the other side of the bend to slow the traffic coming down .
4 I am saying this to show you the other side of Basil — this firmness — this absolute integrity — if you believe in a thing lie would say , even if it made him a bit unpopular , which I think is marvellous .
5 But , when we came back , yes , there 's a sign there , but it did n't tell you the other side , you have to come
6 When you the other side telephone and I 'll come and pick you up .
7 Monitor evaluator to actually check and to give you the pessimistic side of everything to break everything down why it wo n't work why this should be done why that should be done instead .
8 I 'm afraid it 's another story which does n't reflect much credit on me — I seem doomed to show you the worst side of my character .
9 I steam up the platform after him , knowing Des can block him the other side .
10 ‘ We were in the lane after Sacco left , ’ said Nooty , ‘ and it was getting really cold and Dorcas said to take him the other side of the hedge and , well , it was me who said you can see rabbits in this field sometimes , and he said find a rabbit-hole .
11 When I found her the other side of my desk I told her in no uncertain terms I was n't having anything to do with it .
12 well she , she will , literally walks miles , she 'll walk , you see her the other side of Stowmarket , seven miles , six , seven , eight , ten miles away
13 Well we 'll put it just put it the other side of the line .
14 Sorry , I should n't do it the other side cos it wobbled .
15 Yeah , if they 're delayed getting on the motorway and see that they 're doing it the other side coming off , they might be saying
16 In the evening of Valentine 's Day , do take two white oak leaves , and lay them across your pillow , when you go to bed , putting on a clean shift or shirt , and turning it the wrong side outwards , lay down and say these words aloud , ‘ Good Valentine be kind to me , in dreams let me my true love see . ’
17 His 1970s cycle of the complete Symphonies all too often gave us the plainer side of Masur 's musical nature : these tend to be rather sober accounts .
18 But the English mystics and their followers give us the other side of the picture .
19 ‘ It 'll show us the best side of each other . ’
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