Example sentences of "[pers pn] care for the " in BNC.

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1 Neither of them cared for the sexually explicit — ‘ Rather like having an operation described to one , do n't you think ? ’
2 ‘ I do n't know that I care for the idea .
3 However little I care for the way you live , I shall concede that as long as you get your facts right , sense flavours and textures with accuracy and discrimination , think out the implications of your choices , are not deceived about your desires and ambitions , you may do as you please .
4 ‘ I ca n't say I care for the idea of you two discussing me behind my back , but if you must know I was suffering from reaction , ’ said Leonora with dignity .
5 ‘ I know you cared for the boy yourself . ’
6 Well , there was n't much Maureen could do about this injury , but the wound did heal up nicely and she cared for the bird for over a year .
7 ‘ And do you care for the times ? ’ said Willoughby to Edward .
8 ‘ Did you care for the look of Oxford ? ’ she asked , striving for a conversational tone .
9 ‘ What the devil do you care for the opinion of such persons as these ? ’
10 You care for the future of mankind , and you care for the future of Ireland as well .
11 ‘ You care for the future of mankind , and you care for the future of Ireland as well .
12 I do n't think there 's any need for me to spell out any more at this point what that may mean but the responsibility in as churches to ensure that we care for the under eights .
13 The present owners of Pool Bank were previously the tenants , and during their tenancy they cared for the gallery and strengthened it , and now as owners will watch over it with loving care .
14 Although she had come to dislike Dr McNab , believing him to have been indirectly responsible for her father 's death , she remained constantly at his side , helping him to care for the sick and wounded .
15 They care for the homes and children of the privileged white minority but often have no home of their own .
16 A million nature lovers all over the country are being asked to show how much they care for the countryside in an innovative challenge from the RSPB .
17 Is it because they care for the future of English soccer ?
18 ‘ Using Moorsbus is one way of the public saying that they care for the future of the moors .
19 All Upstairs , a play by Peter Spafford , aims to bring the carers and those they care for the disabled , elderly and ill inside the ‘ system ’ which often excludes them .
20 They need the information which will motivate them to care for the child .
21 Whatever the motivation , these amalgamations may happen several times during the months that he cares for the flock .
22 He care for the whole of mankind and has given us in the Bible a guide-book by which to live .
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