Example sentences of "[pers pn] argue [that] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I argued that individuals can gain great advantage from their ability to refine and enrich their methods of communication by this means .
2 Elsewhere I argue that transactions among the Buid are dominated by a principle not recognized by Polanyi , and that Sahlins ' reduction of Polanyi 's three categories to a single continuum is even more misleading .
3 She argued that women by nature were no less talented than men .
4 Our porn challenges the received myths about our love-making , as Gillian Rodgerson pointed out when she argued that lesbians need to produce their own because ‘ then the myth that all lesbian sex is two women lounging around waiting for a man to join them , might finally be exploded . ’
5 In fact Gittins sees women as individuals who use such structures to maximize their own resources as well as feeling responsibility to support others , and she argues that women are involved in an informal economy to a far greater extent than are men .
6 This is highlighted in Gittins 's ( 1986 ) study of a Devon town in the years 1850–1930 , where she argues that relationships with kin were more important than marriage for the women in terms of the structures of support within which they were engaged .
7 In Chapter 16 we argued that taxes and subsidies could sometimes be used to offset externalities and guide market equilibrium to the efficient allocation .
8 We argue that adjectives appear , diversely , in their own right , as syntagmatic structures unfold , and that clauses proposed to underlie them are illusory .
9 We argue that levels of unemployment are also influenced by a variety of social and economic processes surrounding the way the new technology is introduced and the way its impact is handled .
10 Indeed they argued that girls developed sub-cultures which were more passive and marginal than those of boys and involved doing things such as sitting around in their bedrooms worshipping pop stars .
11 Later , in their survey of new teachers in school , they argued that teachers who were insecure in their subject material adopted
12 They argued that sinners were quite unable to attain salvation through their own merits or through the long process of confession , repentance , and partial purification , and that justification or redemption was obtainable only at a stroke through the gift of faith from God made possible by Christ 's sacrifice .
13 They argued that categories such as crime and mental illness ( and they could have added child abuse ) do not occur naturally , but are products of social definition .
14 They argued that enterprises would not reduce their prices but simply would accumulate stocks of finished goods , financing this by the issue of bills of exchange .
15 They argue that women and men are able to rate themselves highly on cross-gender items because they continue to give them meanings consistent with their own gender roles .
16 Left-inclined critics of pluralism reject the utility of the public/private distinction as ideological ; they reject the idea of a self-contained autonomous politics distinct from the economy and economic power ; and they argue that decisions made by businessmen in " private " enterprise have a massive public aspect that needs to be explored because those decisions involve the exercise of very real power .
17 Indeed they argue that differences between teams are neither evident nor important .
18 They argue that goods are used to make ‘ visible and stable the categories of culture ’ ( 1980 : 59 ) .
19 They argue that Egyptians are too passive to revolt on their own .
20 But they argue that factors such as regional variations , better Tory organisation in marginal constituencies and the ‘ incumbency ’ factor where sitting MPs are defending seats , could result in the Conservatives ending up as the largest party , if not with a narrow overall majority .
21 In very general terms , Marxist theorists look for the location of power in the wider social and economic structure of society There is continuing debate within Marxism over the exact role that the state ( or political level ) fulfils and whether it has any significant independence from the requirements of the owners of the means of production and the preservation of the system of capital accumulation In the long term , however , Marxists argue that the scope for human beings to choose freely and to shape their society as they wish is severely circumscribed by the private ownership of the means of production , the necessity of the state to respond to the crises and problems generated by capitalism as an economic system and the inequality of competition between different ideologies Elite theories do not go so far in limiting the scope for individuals to choose or to shape their societies They argue that individuals can choose , subjectively , to join , to maintain or to challenge the structure of power which exists .
22 Other teachers point out that evaluations of Shakespeare have varied from one historical point to the next , and they argue that pupils should be encouraged to think critically about his status in the canon .
23 Other teachers point out that evaluations of Shakespeare have varied from one historical period to the next , and they argue that pupils should be encouraged to think critically about his status in the canon .
24 They argue that workers are individuals with irreducibly distinct interests , based on their age , sex , skills , and ethnicity .
25 They argue that banks have put the worst of their bad loans behind them and become more efficient , making record profits .
26 They argue that redshifts can be produced in other ways than through the expansion of the Universe by gravity ; by the rapid motion of an object , a true Doppler shift that , thanks to relativistic effects , produces a redshift even if the object is moving across the line of sight ; or by other , unknown , means .
27 Contact a Family have found that there is a move amongst Health Authorities to increase the age at which they provide free nappies for children with special needs because they argue that children without special needs use nappies at night until they are 4 or 5 .
28 They argue that children are dashing , impulsive and playful ; to try to eliminate this would be to attempt to deny their stage of development .
29 He argued that fluctuations in the earth 's climate due to geological changes might alter the proportion of reptiles and mammals in the population .
30 He argued that families would do better if their members were altruistic .
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