Example sentences of "[pers pn] sell at a " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , if I sell at a time when there 's still a recession on and you see somebody has to get my they had a visit perhaps that was somebody that actually bought a house , not she not
2 For example , some bonds might not pay coupons at all ( such bonds are called zero-coupon bonds , and they sell at a deep discount to their par values since all the reward from holding the bond comes in the form of capital gain rather than income ) ; some bonds make coupon payments that change over time , e.g. because they are linked to current market interest rates ( variable rate bonds or floating rate notes ) or to an index such as the retail price index ( index-linked bonds ) ; and some bonds make coupon payments only if the income generated by the firm that issued the bonds is sufficient , ( such bonds are known as income bonds ; unlike other bond-holders , an income bond-holder can not put the firm into liquidation if a coupon payment is not paid ) .
3 and they sold at a very low price and
4 Clearly these regulations were meant to confine carried-out timber to that fit only for firewood , but in 1792 complaints were still being made of enormous losses of timber through yard workers , who even finished work early to allow themselves time to saw up useful lengths , which they sold at a shilling each .
5 Richard Roberts seized the opportunity to contract with landowners for the purchase of their wood and furze crop , which he sold at a handsome profit to the tinners .
6 It sold at a high enough price per pound to cover the cost of carrying it across the Atlantic , and Jamestown enjoyed a tobacco boom , though the increase in exports from 20,000 lb. in 1617 to 350,000 lb. in 1621 was not enough to enable the Company to show a profit , because the ( wholesale , pre-duty ) price fell from four or five shillings a pound to a shilling a pound at the same time .
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