Example sentences of "[pers pn] spend a great " in BNC.

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1 I spent a great deal of time and study on it , over half a year , before I was ready to conduct it .
2 As my transsexual obsession deepened I was prone to bouts of morbid depression and I spent a great deal of time thinking about suicide ; suicide was almost a twin obsession at times .
3 I spent a great deal of time with housemasters ( see Chapter 22 ) and hence I became interested in the kinds of problems they encountered and began to follow-up the children I saw regularly in their offices .
4 Because my plants are packed in so tightly I spend a great deal of time trimming and tying .
5 I spend a great deal of my time in the Community ; Brussels and Luxembourg for the most part .
6 I spend a great deal of time attempting to persuade such girls that rock climbing is a valid female choice for recreation and person development .
7 The ribbon is made , and thenceforth she spends a great deal of time over her hair .
8 We spent a great deal of time familiarizing ourselves with the music by playing it at subscription concerts and youth concerts .
9 We spend a great deal of time talking at children .
10 We spend a great deal of time arguing and going against these very simple instructions , but through practice we will find how much care and love is behind these messages .
11 Well I do want to come back in fact an and reassure er you that er in fact er we are very concerned about that and we spend a great deal of time talking about the A P C's erm statement policy of intent because it was intended to be modified in the way which we thought would and we spent quite a lot of time erm discussing and am re-amending the importance .
12 These creatures are the heavy armoured tanks of the insect world and they spend a great deal of their time on the ground , barging their way through the vegetable litter , scrabbling in the soil or gnawing into wood .
13 These are related , however , if the first is a matter of central belief to a person , as it often is with religion — what they spend a great deal of time and effort on , what makes them tick .
14 It was always good , the more so because he spent a great deal of time trapped indoors by his choice of work , a choice governed by his wish to acquire a useful little nest-egg in a relatively short time .
15 He spent a great deal of time on the telephone and he was often out of the house on various missions , not returning until late at night .
16 He spent a great deal on you , I imagine .
17 He spent a great deal of time in the yard below with the carpenters and masons who were making the pageant cart for the coronation procession .
18 He spent a great deal of time in similar situations , seeking gold or demons or distressed virgins and relieving them respectively of their owners , their lives and at least one cause of their distress .
19 He spent a great deal of time in his efforts certainly for this trade union and in recruitment where he works , he 's made it not hundred percent , hundred and ten percent and is constantly , er , recruiting constantly recruiting .
20 He spent a great deal of time inexpertly milking complaining cows , only to feed most of the milk to the pigs .
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