Example sentences of "[pers pn] apply for the " in BNC.

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1 I applied for the occasional post that I thought might be interesting , but never heard anything back .
2 I applied for the post and was interviewed by the headmaster , a man of about my own age who was ‘ mad on Puccini ’ , and consequently thrilled to bits when I recognized
3 It was a big disappointment to me that when I applied for the news editor 's job , I did n't get it .
4 In 1969 , I applied for the post of Senior Lecturer at the new University of Lancaster , in the north of England ( about 240 miles north west of London ) .
5 It is that position of fundamental weakness and poverty that forces them to apply for the Government 's student loans .
6 Her confidence and conviction that she was somebody special served her well when she applied for the UN job .
7 The next year she applied for the nursing course .
8 Project staff will help you to apply for the available grants and carry out practical work .
9 She fixed a baleful eye on Angelica , and said , ‘ If ever they bring back hanging , I would n't advise you to apply for the job . ’
10 At last her opportunity arose when Collin Brooks , a friend of both Eliot and her own family , suggested that she apply for the post of Eliot 's secretary which had fallen vacant .
11 When you apply for the NatWest Hospital Income Plan before the close date .
12 It 's designed to fit neatly in a pocket while you listen — and it 's yours absolutely FREE when you apply for the NatWest Hospital Income Plan before the date shown on your Application Form .
13 Next , when you apply for the job ask the employer to provide a job description that will answer most of the questions .
14 The final ( Moderated ) mark is needed by the Secretary of the N.E.B.E. when we apply for the final Written Examinations of the Board .
15 With regard to indirect discrimination , the EOC conducted a postal survey of all the applicants to the Society in one year to establish whether or not each candidate could have complied with the mobility requirement at the time that they applied for the job .
16 Under the new arrangements there would be an ‘ intermediaries offer ’ to increase the distribution of new shares by giving private clients priority when they applied for the 25 per cent of the issue that is not distributed by the sponsor in a placing .
17 If your mother dies and your father needs your help , you should see that he returns her pension book together with the free death certificate ( Form BD8 ) to the local Social Security Office and assist him to apply for the death grant .
18 But he so impressed bosses they asked him to apply for the more senior post of general marketing director .
19 Friends invited him to apply for the Readership in Geometry at Gresham 's College , and a wealthy London merchant offered him £10,000 to take his daughter in marriage .
20 The offer coincided with a move to separate the Cheltenham Schools of Architecture and Art , with which he disagreed , so he applied for the post and succeeded despite his now apparent and debilitating illness .
21 When the appellant received notice of the order , he applied for the order to be set aside on the grounds that he had no notice of the proceedings and had nothing to do with it .
22 He applied for the first chair and then thought better of it and withdrew the application ; refused to apply for the second despite the supplications of Cambridge friends ; and finally applied for the third , the chair of primacy , the regius chair made vacant by the retirement of Charles Raven .
23 Since the England manager acted as one of Ward 's referees when he applied for the York job , it was no surprise when Taylor turned to one of his trusted lieutenants to take charge of England 's Under-21 squad for the end-of-season international tournament in Toulon .
24 In 1959 he applied for the headship of another minor public school , which had the disadvantage of being in Northumberland .
25 He applied for the job at Hoggatt 's , of course , and was runner-up to Howarth . "
26 When his court-appointed attorney , Michael Deutsch , filed a discovery motion on 30 August for documents that might show Coleman had been acting under orders when he applied for the Thomas Leavy passport , the DEA , the DIA and the CIA all declined to comply on grounds of national security .
27 The company said standard vetting procedures were followed , which did not reveal any adverse information about him when he applied for the post .
28 Has he applied for the same thing ?
29 An individual is a member of a community from which he obtains considerable benefits , in return he develops special skills which he applies for the benefit of the community .
30 In the summer holidays of 1952 four of us applied for the job .
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