Example sentences of "[pers pn] apply to the " in BNC.

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1 A week later back in Vancouver , when Canada joined Britain in the war against Germany and Italy , I applied to the RCAF recruiting office for a commission , in view of my earlier flying experience .
2 The youngster was living with her former foster parents when she applied to the courts for the divorce .
3 If you apply to the fund at the beginning of the month you 'll likely to get something , but hard luck if you apply later on in the month , but that she 's taken up as an open letter to Jerry Hayes , but so far I have n't seen it in the press .
4 If you apply to the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators you must do so within 12 months of posting the item in question .
5 It is entirely tied up with the intensity of interest or desire which you apply to the various things you do .
6 In chapters 15 to 17 we apply to the individual profile components the principles set out in chapter 14 .
7 The rational way to employ such conflicting prudential principles would not be to deduce from more general principles which of them applies to the present case .
8 As o through some of the possible problems , check back to see which of them apply to the slack parts of your own writing .
9 In our survey of the financial arrangements of NEP as they applied to the Smolensk guberniia , it was noted how they were unstable and poorly defined from the outset , leading to economic and social tensions at the lower levels .
10 In response , however , Polycarp turns to the crowd in the amphitheatre and shouts out the words which the Proconsul has invited him to repeal as if they applied to the audience in the arena .
11 They applied to the Japanese for permission to fly the national flag and sing the national song , Indonesia Raya .
12 They applied to the local authority for accommodation as homeless persons , but were rejected on the ground that they had accommodation .
13 The old rules have to be revised or discarded because they applied to the circumstances that existed when they were formulated , a hundred years ago .
14 They apply to the justification of the use of public power over a range of issues , for an extended period of time .
15 The Secretary of State may from time to time revise the whole or any part of a code of practice to which this section applies and issue that revised code ; and the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply ( with appropriate modifications ) to such a revised code as they apply to the first issue of a code .
16 Extensive reference was made to the provisions in the Insolvency Act 1986 concerning administration orders and to the question whether they apply to the case of unregistered companies .
17 Although we have illustrated these points with reference to surface dyslexia , they are generally applicable : they apply to the investigation of any form of language disorder — expressive or receptive , spoken language or written language .
18 The importance of health and safety at work : the general requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act ( 1974 ) as they apply to the office situation .
19 And certainly if they come for interview , if they apply to the university , they get a very good chance of entrance .
20 So it applied to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations for some aid .
21 In this way , it applied to the Bible the ‘ inductive method ’ of scientific study developed in the rise of modern natural science , which similarly aimed to work up from pieces of data to more universal principles or laws .
22 Parliament would also retain the ultimate right to cancel or vary a part or the whole of Community law as it applied to the United Kingdom .
23 Lord Fraser ( at p813 ) stated : The Crown contended that the definition in s454(3) ( now TA 1988 ss681(4) ) applied to all transactions that did not have a bona fide commercial reason , and that it applied to the present transaction , the sole reason for which was to avoid tax .
24 you know it applied to the British
25 She wrote to him and he sent her a 16mm print , together with letters 12 and 15 pages long , ‘ jammed with such an enthusiasm for movies that words ran together and the pressure he applied to the keys left the paper riddled with holes ’ .
26 When he applied to the court for permission to marry , as he was required to do since he was under twenty-one and did not have a recognised guardian , the magistrate at Bow Street refused ‘ as he was not in favour of a British girl marrying an alien ’ .
27 This being refused he applied to the Board , and on 5 February 1992 the Board granted special leave .
28 He applied to the borough council for a transfer to the Hundens Lane area and claimed the council told him it was ‘ reserved ’ for travelling people .
29 Lord Justice Watkins criticised the legislation and doubted whether Parliament had intended it to apply to the housing of immigrants .
30 The good news is that this protective effect not only extends to babies , it applies to the nursing mothers too .
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